Publish and Flourish: Jerome Pendras and Charles Williams

Publish and Flourish is an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments of our staff and faculty who have published monographs within the past year. The UW Tacoma Library purchases all staff and faculty publications to make them available to our campus community. This year’s event is being hosted online through our blog. 

This week we are highlighting:

Secondary Cities: Exploring Uneven Development in Dynamic Urban Regions of the Global North

Editors: Jerome Pendras and Charles Williams

Departments: School of Urban Studies (Pendras) and School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences: Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs (Williams)

Title of book in a white box hovering over the skyline of a city on a body of water.This book explores cities and the intra-regional relational dynamics often overlooked by urban scholars, and it challenges common representations of urban development successes and failures.

Gathering leading international scholars from Europe, Australia and North America, it explores the secondary city concept in urban development theory and practice and advances a research agenda that highlights uneven development concerns.

By emphasising the subordinate status of secondary cities relative to their dominant neighbours the book raises new questions about regional development in the Global North. It considers alternative relations and development strategies that innovatively reimagine the subordinate status of secondary cities and showcase their full potential.”

Bristol University Press

Review (from Bristol University Press):

“This timely and important edited collection explores the political-economic dynamics of secondary cities. In foregrounding the stories of subordinate cities, the book offers an important corrective to research on ostensibly more powerful ‘primate’ or ‘global’ cities.” — Andrew E.G. Jonas, University of Hull

Find the ebook in the UW Libraries catalog here

  The UW Tacoma Library is very proud of your accomplishments, Jerome Pendras and Charles Williams. Congratulations!