Now Open: The Learning Commons’ Makerspace!

Visit the Makerspace
10am – 5pm, Monday through Friday
Snoqualmie Building, First Floor

Crocheting MaterialsManaged by UW Tacoma Library Information Technology, the Makerspace is an entirely new service for the UW Tacoma campus that provides students, faculty, and staff creative opportunities through reciprocal teaching and learning. It is intended to break down traditional power structures in several ways.

MakerspaceThe Makerspace is an inclusive space available to all students. With a mixture of technology from knitting needles and crochet hooks to laser cutters, instruction in the makerspace is designed to be friendly for students with diverse backgrounds, especially those who may not have a background in programming or IT. If a student wants to try something new, Makerspace staff are available to get them started and provide support.

Instead of a structure with staff as the “experts in the room,” peer-to-peer teaching and learning isLaser printer emphasized in the Makerspace. UWT students are the creators of written training guides to teach other students how to create projects using tools and materials in the Makerspace. Students who are using the space are also encouraged to help other students.

The Makerspace includes a variety of equipment, such as:

Sewing machineInterested to see Makerspace equipment in action? Attend one of their upcoming workshops! In-person events are limited to approximately 10 attendees, so send an email to to reserve a seat! All workshops will also have a Zoom option, as well. Zoom meetings will NOT be recorded.

  • April 18th, 12pm – 1pm: Vinyl cutter (All are welcome)
  • April 20th, 12pm – 1pm: Poster Printer (Students only)
  • April 25th, 12pm – 1pm: Knitting a washcloth with JoAnn Kocha (Guest lecture! All are welcome)
  • May 9th and 11th: Creating a display with a Raspberry Pi (Students only)
  • Week of May 23rd (Date and time TBA): Sewing a pillowcase (Students only)
  • Week of May 30th (Date and time TBA): using the Laser cutter (Students only)

Keep an eye out for more workshops to be added!

Makerspace staff are always open to suggestions for new equipment and ways to improve user experiences, processes, and workshops, especially as our campus community navigates re-opening our shared spaces. If you have suggestions for how to make the Makerspace better, they would love to hear from you!

Crochet hook in front of computer setting