Spring and Summer 2022 Scholarly Publications & Research Awards

The library is excited to share the scholarly work of our community with campus through Digital Commons, author profiles, and the Library blog. The list below includes all known books, book chapters, edited volumes, and peer-reviewed articles that were first published (including online) between March 28 – September 27, 2022, as well as a list of sponsored research from the Office of Research.

The following publications have been split into spring and summer quarter of 2022. Spring publications date from March 28 – June 10 and Summer publications date from  June 11 – September 27, 2022.

An unlocked Open Access logo connected to openly shared articles symbol appears beside all works that are available Open Access (OA), which means that it “is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions” (Peter Suber). We call attention to OA work because it enables the wider community to engage with it, and reflects the university’s central value of access. To be available OA, the work must be either published in an OA journal; shared via a disciplinary OA repository; or deposited in UW Tacoma Digital Commons. If you have questions about how to openly share your work, please contact us.

Spring 2022


Toni Aspin (PDC) with co-author: “Leveraging Social Justice During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in  Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, vol. 12, no. 2 Available: https://js.sagamorepub.com/jnel/article/view/11628

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesOrlando Baiocchi(SET) with co-authors: “An Experimental Evaluation of a Quasicrystal-based Thermal-Conductive Absorber for Energy Harvesting,” in 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/I2MTC48687.2022.9806527.

Yan Bai (SET) with co-authors: “Defending against Poisoning Attack in Federated Learning Using Isolated Forest” in 2022 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics (ICCCR), Shanghai, China, pp. 224–229. doi: 10.1109/ICCCR54399.2022.9790094.

Yan Bai (SET) with co-authors: “Post-Quantum Cipher Power Analysis in Lightweight Devices,” in Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, San Antonio TX USA, pp. 282–284.  doi: 10.1145/3507657.3529652.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesUba Backonja (NHL) with co-authors: “Supporting rural public health practice to address local-level social determinants of health across Northwest states: Development of an interactive visualization dashboard,” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 129, p. 104051 doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2022.104051.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesConnie J. Beck (SAIS/SBHS) with co-authors:“Addressing A Mental Health Intervention Gap in Juvenile Detention: A Pilot Study” in Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, pp. 1–16 doi: 10.1080/23794925.2022.2042873.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesErin A. Casey (SWCJ) with co-authors:  “Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence and the Harsh Parenting of Children” in  J Interpers Violence, p. 088626052210872 doi: 10.1177/08862605221087242.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAlison Cardinal (SAIS/CAC): “Superdiversity: An Audience Analysis Praxis for Enacting Social Justice in Technical Communication” in Technical Communication Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 343–355 doi: 10.1080/10572252.2022.2056637.

Chieh Sunny Cheng (NHL) with co-authors: “The relationship among social support, food insecurity and mental health for adults with severe mental illness and type 2 diabetes: A survey study” in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 212–218 doi: 10.1037/prj0000525.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesChieh Sunny Cheng (NHL) with co-authors: “The Scale of Body Connection: A Multisample Study to Examine Sensitivity to Change Among Mind–Body and Bodywork Interventions,” Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 600–606 doi: 10.1089/jicm.2021.0397.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesSergio Davalos and Ehsan H. Feroz (Milgard): “A textual analysis of the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s accounting and auditing enforcement releases relating to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act” in Intell Sys Acc Fin Mgmt, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 19–40 doi: 10.1002/isaf.1506.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesDenise J. Drevdahl (NHL): “A Sisyphean task: Developing and revising public health nursing competencies” in Public Health Nursing, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1078–1088 doi: 10.1111/phn.13077.

Rachel Endo (Education): “Beyond ‘Good-Faith’ Efforts: Diversifying the Faculty Ranks in Teacher Education through Equity-Conscious Recruitment Practices,” Action in Teacher Education, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 181–195 doi: 10.1080/01626620.2022.2058641.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesRobin A. Evans-Agnew (NHL) with co-authors: “Emancipatory Photovoice Research: A Primer,” Health Promotion Practice, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 211–220  doi: 10.1177/15248399211062906.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesRobin A. Evans-Agnew (NHL) with co-author: “Photovoice: The Little Method That Could Change the World” in Health Promotion Practice, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 201–204  doi: 10.1177/15248399211069151.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesRobin A. Evans-Agnew(NHL), David Reyes(NHL), Weichow Yuwen(NHL), and Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio(SAIS/SAM) with co-authors: “‘Is It Good or Bad for the Air?’ Latino and Asian Pacific Islander Youth–Led Messaging and Action for Environmental Justice Through Photovoice,” Health Promotion Practice, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 305–316 doi: 10.1177/15248399211045729.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesTessa B. Francis(PSI) with co-authors: “Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy” in Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 314, p. 114994 doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114994.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesMarian S. Harris (SWCJ) with co-authors:“Racial Matching in Foster Care Placements and Subsequent Placement Stability: A National Study,” Child Adolesc Soc Work J, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 583–594  doi: 10.1007/s10560-022-00831-x.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJuhua Hu and Wei Cheng (SET) with co-authors:  “Real-time Street Parking Sign Detection and Recognition” Available:https://learn-to-race.org/workshop-ai4ad-ijcai2022/assets/papers/paper_13.pdf

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJuhua Hu (SET) with co-authors: “Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Online Constrained K-Means” doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2105.11527.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesShalini Sarin Jain (Milgard) with co-authors): “Sustaining Livelihoods or Saving Lives? Economic System Justification in the Time of COVID-19” in J Bus Ethics doi: 10.1007/s10551-022-05091-4.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAndy James(PSI) with co-authors: “A boundary spanning system supports large-scale ecosystem-based management” in Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 133, pp. 137–145 doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2022.03.014.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJaeRan Kim(SWCJ) with co-authors: “An exploratory study of the impact of COVID‐19 on foster parenting” in Child & Family Social Work, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 371–380 doi: 10.1111/cfs.12863.

Angela Kitali (SET) with co-authors: “Influence of Built Environment on Pedestrian Crashes: A Case Study of Miami-Dade County” in Transportation Research Record, vol. 2676, no. 9, pp. 677–692 doi: 10.1177/03611981221088196.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAngela Kitali (SET) with co-authors: “Operational evaluation of the bus rapid transit system: Case study of Dar es Salaam city” in Journal of Public Transportation, vol. 24, p. 100020 doi: 10.1016/j.jpubtr.2022.100020.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAngela Kitali (SET) with co-authors: “Safety Evaluation of an Adaptive Signal Control Technology Using an Empirical Bayes Approach,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, vol. 148, no. 4, p. 04022008 doi: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000652.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesHee Seok Kim (SET) with co-authors: “Module-level design and characterization of thermoelectric power generator” in Chinese Phys. B, vol. 31, no. 4, p. 048502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac1b8f.

Pamela Krayenbuhl (SAIS/CAC): “The Dance Company Film” in Journal of Film and Video, vol. 74, no. 1–2, pp. 61–77 doi: 10.5406/19346018.

Altaf Merchant (Milgard) with co-authors: “Propensity to Assimilate: A Grounded Theory Development of the Consumer Acculturation Process: An Abstract,” in From Micro to Macro: Dealing with Uncertainties in the Global Marketplace, F. Pantoja and S. Wu, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 339–340.  doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-89883-0_90.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAltaf Merchant (Milgard) with co-author: “Why and when is older better? The role of brand heritage and of the product category in the evaluation of brand longevity,” Journal of Business Research, vol. 140, pp. 533–545 doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.11.021.

Robin Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn (Education):  “Indigenizing Narratives and Honoring Place in Academia” in Bridging Marginality through Inclusive Higher Education, M. Bonous-Hammarth, Ed. Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 251–263.  doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-8000-7_12.

George Mobus (SET): “The Global Human Social System: A Brain for Gaia,” Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, vol. 65, no. 1 Available: https://journals.isss.org/index.php/jisss/article/view/3818

Deveeshree Nayak (SET) with co-author: “Privacy & Security Issues of Assistive Technology (AT) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) for Caregivers in the Home Area Network (HAN)” in SoutheastCon 2022, Mobile, AL, USA, pp. 184–189.  doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon48659.2022.9763958.

Jinlan Ni(Milgard) with co-authors: “Master development, land appreciation, and government finance: Evidence from the Disney project in Shanghai” in Papers in Regional Science, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 1027–1046 doi: 10.1111/pirs.12675.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJanet Primomo(NHL) with co-authors): “A Portrait of Ageism: Worth (More Than) a Thousand Words” in J Gerontol Nurs, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 2–4 doi: 10.3928/00989134-20220404-02.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJill Purdy (Milgard) with co-authors: “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Leveraging Management Research on Grand Challenges” in Business & Society, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1242–1281 doi: 10.1177/00076503221087701.

Jennifer J. Quinn (SAIS/SAM) with co-authors: “The Evolution of the AWM Executive Director Position: 2005–2020” in Fifty Years of Women in Mathematics, vol. 28, J. L. Beery, S. J. Greenwald, and C. Kessel, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing,  pp. 759–773.  doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-82658-1_67.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJessi Quizar(Urban Studies):  “A Logic of Care and Black Grassroots Claims to Home in Detroit” in Antipode, p.12842 doi: 10.1111/anti.12842.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAlina Saduova and Eyhab Al-Masri (SET): “A Self-Adaptive IoT-based Approach for Improving the Decision Making of Active Surgical Robots in Hospitals” in 2021 IEEE 3rd Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability (ECBIOS), Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 270–273.  doi: 10.1109/ECBIOS51820.2021.9510397.

Shahrokh M. Saudagaran (Milgard) with co-author: “Operating Leases and Credit Assessments: The Role of Main Banks in Japan” in  Journal of International Accounting Research, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 101–123 doi: 10.2308/JIAR-2020-085.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesMegan L. Schwartz (SAIS) with co-authors: “Sampling multiple life stages significantly increases estimates of marine biodiversity,” Biology Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 20210596 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0596.

Jie Sheng (SET) with co-authors:  “The modified multi-innovation adaptive EKF algorithm for identifying battery SOC” in Ionics, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 3877–3891  doi: 10.1007/s11581-022-04603-6.

Huatong Sun (SAIS): “Bridging Cultural Differences with Critical Design in a Globalized World” in CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, New Orleans LA USA, pp. 1–2.  doi: 10.1145/3491101.3503768.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAnne Taufen and Lisa M. Hoffman (Urban Studies) with co-author: “Assemblage as heuristic: unveiling infrastructures of port city waterfronts,” Territory, Politics, Governance, pp. 1–21 doi: 10.1080/21622671.2022.2055631

Riki Thompson(SAIS/CAC): “More than the selfie: online dating, non-monogamy, normativity, and linked profiles on OkCupid” in  Journal of Language and Sexuality. 11 (1). 1-30. doi:https://doi.org/10.1075/jls.20005.tho

Riki Thompson (SAIS/CAC):“Reflective Approaches to Analyzing Digital Discourse.” In C. Vasquez (Ed.), Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis. pp. 257-276. Bloomsbury Press. Available:https://drive.google.com/file/d/15lQSPDyvWUHfBzWul9Ak0nLjpYsV7JOD/view?usp=sharing

Carolyn M. West (SAIS/ SBH): “Pornography Consumers of Color and Problematic Pornography Use: Clinical Implications,” Curr Addict Rep, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 126–132 doi: 10.1007/s40429-022-00410-1.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesKa Yee Yeung and Ling-Hong Hung (SET) with co-authors: “Mobility Analysis Workflow (MAW): An accessible, interoperable, and reproducible container system for processing raw mobile data”  doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2204.09125.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesXingyue (Luna) Zhang(Milgard) with co-authors: “Fending off Critics of Platform Power: Doing Well by Doing Good?” in Forthcoming, Management Science doi:https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2022.4545

Books & Edited Volumes

Patsy Maloney (NHL) editor: “The Nursing Professional Development Practice Model” in  J Nurses Prof Dev, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 172–174 doi: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000878.

Book Chapters

Michael Forman (SAIS/PPPA): “Re-Reading Engels in the Twenty-First Century: State, Nationalism, and Internationalism” in Friedrich Engels for the 21st Century, T. Carver and S. Rapic, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 247–267. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-97138-0_13.

David R. Coon (SAIS/CAC) with co-authors: “What it Feels Like for a Boy: Masculinity in Madonna’s Mid-Career Music Videos” in Rock Music Icons: Musical and Cultural Impacts, edited by Robert McParland. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2022), 129-144. ISBN: 9781666915310

Thomas. M. Koontz (SAIS/SAM) with co-author: “Improving the use of science in collaborative governance,” Handbook of Collaborative Public Management, pp. 313–330 doi: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789901917.00034

George Mobus (SET)“Complex, Adaptive, and Evolvable System Theory: Basis and Uses,” in System Analysis in Engineering and Control, vol. 442, Y. S. Vasiliev, N. D. Pankratova, V. N. Volkova, O. D. Shipunova, and N. N. Lyabakh, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 16–28. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-98832-6_2.

Summer 2022


Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJi-Hyun Ahn (SAIS/CAC): “Race, Ethnicity, and Nation in Selected Contemporary South Korean Television Genres” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, Oxford University Press doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.1334.

Ji-Hyun Ahn(SAIS/CAC) review of “Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture, written by Dal Yong Jin, Kyong Yoon, and Wonjung Min,” in Asiascape, vol. 9, no. 1–2, pp. 201–203 doi: 10.1163/22142312-bja10025.

Eyhab Al-Masri and Mohamed Ali (SET) with co-authors: “RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality” in IJGI, vol. 11, no. 8, p. 448 doi: 10.3390/ijgi11080448.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesYan Bai (SET) with co-authors: “A Two-layer Fog-Cloud Intrusion Detection Model for IoT Networks” in Internet of Things, vol. 19, p. 100557 doi: 10.1016/j.iot.2022.100557.

Robert Cordingly (SET) and Wes J Llyod (SET) with co-authors: “Characterizing X86 and ARM Serverless Performance Variation: A Natural Language Processing Case Study,” in Companion of the 2022 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, Bejing China pp. 69–75. doi: 10.1145/3491204.3543506.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesSunny Chieh Cheng (NHL) with co-authors: “The Scale of Body Connection: A Multisample Study to Examine Sensitivity to Change Among Mind–Body and Bodywork Interventions” in  Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 600–606  doi: 10.1089/jicm.2021.0397.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesDebasis Dawn (SET) and Seyyed Babak Hamidi (SET): “A New Pathway Toward Implementing a Fully Integrated Band-Switchable CMOS Power Amplifier Utilizing Bit Optimized Reconfigurable Network (BORN)” in IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1294–1305. doi: 10.1109/TVLSI.2022.3184245.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesMartine De Cock(SET) with co-authors: “PrivFairFL: Privacy-Preserving Group Fairness in Federated Learning” in arXiv doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2205.11584.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesRobin Evans-Agnew (NHL) with co-authors: “Defining Climate Justice in Nursing for Public and Planetary Health ” in Am J Public Health, vol. 112, no. S3, pp. S256–S258 doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2022.306867.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesChunming Gao (SET) with co-authors: “An Integrated Model for On-Site Teaching Quality Evaluation Based on Deep Learning” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, pp. 1–13 doi: 10.1155/2022/9027907.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJames E. Gawel, E. C. Cline, Zaher Kmail (SAIS) with co-authors: “Mercury Drives Metal Stress Response in Red Spruce Foliage in High-Elevation Appalachian Forests of New England, USA” in Water Air Soil Pollution, vol. 233, no. 9, p. 370 doi: 10.1007/s11270-022-05836-x.

Keith Harris (Urban Studies): “Towards a post-anthropocentric aesthetics: Kerry Tribe’s Exquisite Corpse” in Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 111–129 doi: 10.1386/jucs_00051_1.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesLing-Hong Hung (SET) and Ka Yee Yeung (SET) with co-authors: “Cloud-enabled Biodepot workflow builder integrates image processing using Fiji with reproducible data analysis using Jupyter notebooks” in Sci Rep, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 14920 doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-19173-w.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesMohammed A. Jasim (SET) with co-authors: “Clustered and Distributed Caching Methods for F-RAN-Based mmWave Communications” in Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 14, p. 7111 doi: 10.3390/app12147111.

Angela E. Kitali (SET) with co-authors: “COVID-19 and Injury Severity of Drivers Involved in Run-Off-Road Crashes: Analyzing the Impact of Contributing Factors” in Transportation Research Record, p. 036119812210970 doi: 10.1177/03611981221097093.

Angela Kitali (SET) with co-authors: “Relationship Between Daylight Saving Time and Traffic Crashes in Florida” in Transportation Research Record, p. 036119812211083 doi: 10.1177/03611981221108396.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesZaher Kmail (SIAS/SAM) with co-author: “D-Optimal Design for a Causal Structure for Completely Randomized and Random Blocked Experiments” in  Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. 2022, p. E7299086 doi: 10.1155/2022/7299086.

Bidisha Mallik(SIAS/PPPA): “Gandhi and Science? Rethinking Science, Technology, and Development the Gandhian Way,” in Legends in Gandhian Social Activism: Mira Behn and Sarala Behn, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 119–151.  doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95431-4_4

Bidisha Mallik(SIAS/PPPA): “Mira Behn: When the Spirit Becomes the Guide” in Legends in Gandhian Social Activism: Mira Behn and Sarala Behn, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 25–81. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95431-4_2.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesGillian L. Marshall (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Correction to: Racial differences in Financial Hardship and depressive symptoms among older adults” in Community Ment Health J  doi: 10.1007/s10597-022-00995-x.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesWilliam McGuire(SAIS) with co-authors: “Penalties for industrial accidents: The impact of the Deepwater Horizon accident on BP’s reputation and stock market returns,” PLoS ONE, vol. 17, no. 6, p. e0268743, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268743.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesMarc Nahmani (SAIS/SAM) with co-authors: “Synaptic spinules are reliable indicators of excitatory presynaptic bouton size and strength and are ubiquitous components of excitatory synapses in CA1 hippocampus” in Front. Synaptic Neurosci., vol. 14, p. 968404 doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2022.968404.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesKatherine T. Peter(SAB) with co-authors: “Approaches for assessing performance of high-resolution mass spectrometry–based non-targeted analysis methods” in Analytical Bioanalytical Chem, vol. 414, no. 22, pp. 6455–6471 doi: 10.1007/s00216-022-04203-3.

Emma Rose(SIAS/CAC), “Extended Abstract: UX in/as political renegotiation” in 2022 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm), Limerick, Ireland pp. 453–455. doi: 10.1109/ProComm53155.2022.00089.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesEmma Rose (SIAS/CAC) with co-author: “What do We Teach When We Say We Teach UX? A Study of the Practices of TPC Instructors,” Programmatic Perspectives, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 61–102 Available:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362079926_What_do_We_Teach_When_We_Say_We_Teach_UX_A_Study_of_the_Practices_of_TPC_Instructors

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesClaudia Sellmaier(SWCJ) with co-authors: “Employed Parents of Children with Typical and Exceptional Care Responsibilities: Family Demands and Workplace Supports” in  J Child Fam Stud doi: 10.1007/s10826-022-02363-5.

Claudia Sellmaier and JaeRan Kim (SWCJ): “Working and caring for a disabled adopted child during a pandemic” in Child & Family Social Work, p.12955 doi: 10.1111/cfs.12955.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesZhiquan Shu(SET) with co-authors: “Cryobiology and Biopreservation: Essential Science and Technology Thriving from Fundamental Research to Biomedical Applications” in Biopreservation and Biobanking, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 309–310 doi: 10.1089/bio.2022.29109.editorial.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesZhiquan Shu(SET) with co-authors:  “Investigating the Effectiveness of Government Public Health Systems against COVID-19 by Hybrid MCDM Approaches” in Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 15, p. 2678 doi: 10.3390/math10152678.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesZhiquan Shu (SET) “Single-Mode Electromagnetic Resonance Rewarming for the Cryopreservation of Samples with Large Volumes: A Numerical and Experimental Study” in Biopreservation and Biobanking, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 317–322 doi: 10.1089/bio.2022.0107.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesAnne Taufen(Urban Studies): “Introduction to Section 9: Co-production for sustainable development” in The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim, 2022, p. 771 Available: https://www.academia.edu/80074197/Introduction_to_Section_9

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJeffrey P. Walters (SET) with co-authors: “A systems approach to improving access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Odisha, India,” in H2Open Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 395–411 doi: 10.2166/h2oj.2022.044.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesJeffrey Walters (SET) with co-authors: “Challenges and solutions to rural water service sustainability in East African countries: A ‘systems scaffolding’ perspective” in Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 136, pp. 564–574 doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2022.07.023.

Ka Yee Yeung (SET) with co-authors: “Accelerated and Reproducible Fiji for image processing using GPUs on the cloud” Pre-print bioRxiv 10.1101/2022.07.15.500283. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.15.500283

Ka Yee Yeung (SET) with co-authors: “Accessible, interactive and cloud-enabled genomic workflows integrated with the NCI Genomic Data Commons” Pre-print bioRxiv 10.1101/2022.08.11.503660. doi:https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.11.503660v1#:~:text=https%3A//doi.org/10.1101/2022.08.11.503660

Ka Yee Yeung (SET) with co-authors: “Rapid detection of myeloid neoplasm fusions using Single Molecule Long-Read Sequencing” Pre-print medRxiv 10.1101/2022.06.16.22276469. doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.16.22276469

Ka Yee Yeung (SET) with co-authors: “ Ultrarapid Targeted Nanopore Sequencing for Fusion Detection of Leukemias” Pre-print medRxiv 10.1101/2022.06.20.22276664. doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.20.22276664

Diane S. Young (SWCJ) with co-authors: “Protective and Adverse Experiences: Young Adult Voices on Parental Incarceration in Adolescence” in Urban Social Work, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 109–128 doi: 10.1891/USW-2021-0003.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesWeichao Yuwen (NHL) with co-authors: “The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Life Skills and Cortisol in the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Depressive Symptoms Among Chinese Adolescents With Childhood Household Dysfunction” in Front. Psychiatry, vol. 13, p. 870349 doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.870349.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesXingyue (Luna) Zhang (Milgard): “Let them stay or let them go? Online retailer pricing strategy for managing stockouts” in Production & Operations Management, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 4173–4190 doi: 10.1111/poms.13814.

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesXingyue (Luna) Zhang(Milgard) with co-authors: “Online Retailer Pricing Strategy for Managing Stockouts.” Forthcoming, Production and Operations Management. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/poms.13814

Open Access logo connected to openly shared articlesXingyue (Luna) Zhang(Milgard) with co-authors: “Redemption, Exposure, and Spillover Effects of Electronic Coupons: An Empirical Analysis” in Forthcoming, Production and Operations Management doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3187330

Books & Edited Volumes

Ellen M. Bayer(SAIS/CAC) with co-author: Ecopedagogies Practical Approaches to Experiential Learning. Milton: Taylor & Francis Group doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003221807

2022 Sponsored Research


Congratulations to the following sponsored research award recipients at UW Tacoma.

(Awards received between July -September 2022)

Julia Aguirre, School of Education

Collaborative Research: Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching with  Elementary Mathematical Modeling (EQ-STEMM)

National Science Foundation (NSF) EQ-STEMM focuses on equity-centered professional development (PD) designed to improve mathematics teaching and learning through mathematical modeling (MM) in grades K-5. MM, “a process that uses mathematics to represent, analyze, make predictions, or otherwise provide insight into real-world phenomena” (Bliss & Libertini, p. 8, 2016), gives students equitable access to complex problem solving, quantitative reasoning and communication skills required for participation in STEM-related disciplines and civic engagement (English & Sriraman, 2010; Lesh & Zawojewski, 2007). Project goals are to a) increase equitable participation and learning of mathematical modeling for culturally and linguistically diverse children; b) develop and test tools and resources to strengthen MM instruction that leverages students’ lived experiences and cultural funds of knowledge; and c) develop and refine a model for an innovative practice-based PD that includes on-line hybrid learning spaces for teachers in diverse settings.  

Ka Yee Yeung-Rhee, SET

FY22 Advanced Medical Technology Initiative (AMTI) Program

Madigan Army Medical Center

The value of neutralizing antibodies in responding to novel infectious diseases has been highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic with emergency use authorization (EUA) granted for five anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies within the first 1.5 years of the pandemic. However, the rapid turn-around time for development of these monoclonal antibodies was both aided by prior knowledge of key antibody targets from SARS-CoV-1 studies and hindered by a development pipeline that had not yet been optimized. Lives could have been saved if the delay were shortened. Our aim is to demonstrate the feasibility of shortening the delay by using immunosequencing and bioinformatics methods. Using Chlamydia trachomatis, the etiologic agent of chlamydia, as a model organism, we will specifically use these methods to identify putative protective antibodies, and then validate their protective capacity in vitro. 

Debasis Dawn, SET

Low SWAP-C Remote ID Device for UAS

KalScott Engineering Inc.

The FAA has released new regulations for small UAVs (unmanned air vehicles), known as the RemoteID rule. In collaboration with KalScott, Prof. Dawn is developing very low size/weight/power/cost devices for RemoteID. The devices will broadcast (on several bands and protocols) data from the UAV, so that it can be tracked in real time by ground-based users. Data gathered can be used for unmanned traffic management (UTM). This is a Phase II effort that will involve device development and flight testing/evaluation.

Tessa Francis, Puget Sound Institute- Center for Urban Waters

Salish Sea Coupled Modeling Framework

The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

Growing and moving human populations and stressors originating from land and climate change threaten freshwater, nearshore and estuarine species and systems, as well as the social and economic systems that depend on them. The connections among these systems are poorly understood and the Puget Sound region lacks the comprehensive data and analyses to make well-informed choices. The Puget Sound region is graced by having on hand cutting-edge terrestrial, estuarine, and marine ecosystem models that have on their own been proven useful in supporting decisions and advancing understanding. Linking these models would provide a platform for gaining insights into the connected systems of human use, terrestrial hydrology, estuarine-ocean circulation and biogeochemistry, and marine food webs. This project will link the VELMA ecohydrological model, the Salish Sea Model, the Atlantis ecosystem model, a high-resolution land cover change model, and a qualitative social-ecological model under the coordination of the UW Tacoma Puget Sound Institute. This project will result in a linked set of models parameterized for the entire Puget Sound basin and its watersheds, delivering a tool with the ability to support regional planning and restoration decision-making under alternative climate, population, and land use futures for a broad range of regional objectives, from orcas to human wellbeing.

Tarang Khangaonkar, Salish Sea Modeling Center-Center for Urban Waters

Alteration of Snohomish River Estuarine Characteristics following Multiple Large 

Restoration Projects – Modeling Assessment

Tulalip Tribes

Predicting changes to estuarine hydrodynamics is often conducted as part of feasibility assessment prior to restoration related shoreline and structural modification. These assessments are conducted using available bathymetry prior to restoration actions. Through this project, we plan to conduct modeling-based assessment of the post restoration conditions. The first restoration project was completed at the Qwuloolt Marsh site in 2015, followed by projects at Union Slough, Smith Island, and Bringer Farm sites.

Tarang Khangaonkar, Salish Sea Modeling Center-Center for Urban Waters

Evaluating the interaction of water quality and eelgrass in Coos Bay, Oregon using a biophysical model

Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST)

Estuaries provide important services to coastal communities and include vital ecosystems, such as seagrass beds. Seagrasses are valued, in part, for their potential to mediate ocean acidification and hypoxia (OAH), which are emerging stressors in the US Pacific Northwest. However, the susceptibility of seagrasses to various anthropogenic impacts and recent declines in seagrass have prompted the need to better understand the drivers of seagrass and the water quality consequences that occur with variation in seagrass abundance. The goal of this project is to evaluate the dynamics of pH, dissolved oxygen, and native eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Coos Bay, Oregon to elucidate OAH vulnerability and estuarine ecosystem services associated with eelgrass. Our approach leverages previously collected monitoring data (water quality and eelgrass), an existing hydrological model of Coos Bay, and an existing framework for a biogeochemical model, to produce a complete, validated biophysical model of Coos Bay. The model will then be used to run scenarios comparing water quality in Coos Bay with and without eelgrass. The analysis will be framed within the context of ecosystem services, particularly OAH mitigation, and results will inform estuarine conservation and management. In the future, the model produced by this project could be used to explore numerous additional research questions about changes in climate, ocean processes, or land use for Coos Bay. Furthermore, Coos Bay is representative of other coastal estuaries in the Pacific Northwest so the model framework, results, and management implications produced from this study will be informative for other locations.

Tarang Khangaonkar, Salish Sea Modeling Center-Center for Urban Waters

Skagit River Estuary Hydrodynamic Modeling

Washington State University (WSU)

The Salish Sea Modeling Center (SSMC) staff while at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), developed the Skagit Hydrodynamic Model (SHDM) (Whiting et 1. 2017, Khangaonkar et al. 2017). It is a three-dimensional unstructured grid coastal tidal circulation model capable of providing dynamic oceanographic information such as water surface elevation (WSE), currents, salinity, and bed-shear at a sufficiently high resolution and scale necessary to support assessments of interactions between river flow, tides, and different restoration actions and their cumulative effects on the nearshore habitat. This is an improved version of the hydrodynamic model of the Skagit River estuary previously developed by Yang and Khangaonkar (2007, 2009). The model uses finite volume community ocean model (FVCOM) code (Chen et al. 2003) and solves the three-dimensional momentum, continuity, temperature, salinity, and density equations in an integral form by computing fluxes between non-overlapping, horizontal, and triangular control volumes. The use of SHDM was recommended by the Washington State Academy of Sciences as part of a scoping effort for a comprehensive hydrologic study of the Skagit Estuary. The overall study was planned in response to a need to address knowledge gaps that were raised by the Skagit Water Supply and Demand synthesis conducted previously by the State of Washington. The Water Research Center at Washington State University (WSU) has been tasked with developing detailed scopes for various components of the hydrologic study and executing the research through State of Washington funding. The hydrologic study piece includes five sub-projects. Sub-project 4 is titled “Hydrodynamic Modeling” that is directly related to SSMC experience and expertise associated with the Skagit River Estuary hydrodynamics and contributes to subproject 2 titled “Improve understanding temporal variation in aquatic habitat characteristics”. 

Edward Kolodziej, Sciences and Mathematics division of SIAS and Center for 

Urban Waters

Analysis of Neonicitinoid Pesticides in Mesocosms

Washington State University (WSU)

Dr. Kolodziej’s environmental chemistry lab at the University of Washington – Tacoma will assist Dr. John Stark’s research group at Washington State University-Puyallup to perform chemical analysis for neonicitinoid pesticides in laboratory mesocosm studies. This analysis is part of a study conducted by WSU’s to assess the fate and toxicological relevance of neonictinoid pesticides to various aquatic species. Dr. Kolodziej’s lab will process and analyze mesocosm samples for these neonicitinoid pesticides using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methodologies. QA/QC samples (blanks, spikes, duplicates) will be analyzed in addition to the above samples. Quantitative concentration data will be the primary research output of these efforts.

Weichao Yuwen, School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership

AI-Enabled Nursing Support Platform for Latino Caregivers

Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation

The goal of this project is to develop and test the usability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of an artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced nursing support platform – Caring for Caregivers Online (COCO) – to provide Latino family caregivers of children with chronic health conditions with on-demand, personalized, and emotionally intelligent caregiving support and interactive self- and family-management skills development. The objectives and activities aim to identify cultural adaptations to the current English version of COCO to improve its relevance for Latino caregivers and develop prototypes for usability testing. Throughout the process, we will build upon prior work and integrate diverse perspectives by engaging long-term community partners(n=10), including the Mujeres Latinas Apoyando la Comunidad (MLAC). We will use the Cultural Treatment Adaptation Framework (CTAF) to guide the adaptation process. After identifying key adaptation components, we will first create low-fidelity then high-fidelity prototypes in two rounds of usability testing through a human-centered design approach with family caregivers (n=5*2). The project team will modify the design of COCO in response to testing and develop a mobile application of Latino COCO for pilot testing. Next, project activities will aim to describe the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of COCO for Latino caregivers of children with chronic health conditions to improve common caregiving symptoms (e.g., fatigue, stress, guilt, worry, and sleep disturbances) using a single-arm pre-and post-test pilot design. The project team will pilot test COCO with 30 new Latino family caregivers and take precautions in preventing access-, uptake-, adherence-, and effectiveness-related inequalities according to the Model for Intervention-Generated Inequality (IGI) Prevention.

Sunny Chieh Cheng, School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership

Partnering to Advance Teen Help-seeking (PATH): Innovations in Addressing Mental 

Health Inequity among School Youth Populations

UW Medicine Garvey Institute for Brain Health Sciences

In this project, the study team led by Prof. Cheng will partner with Tacoma Public  Schools (TPS) to implement Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) and will examine its potential to address disparities in mental health access and outcomes for racial and ethnic minority teens. In Washington State, 74% of 10th grade students report anxiety and 20% report suicidal ideation, making it critical to promote help-seeking during this developmental stage. Research shows tMHFA promotes help-seeking for adolescents in need. However, research and theory demonstrate the influence of factors such as race and ethnicity on health behaviors such as help seeking. Research confirms help-seeking disparities among racial and ethnic minorities, due to barriers such as mental health literacy, stigmatizing attitudes, and previous mental health problems experiences. Engaging racially and ethnically diverse youth in strategies such as tMHFA holds promise for reducing disparities in access and outcomes; however, research has not previously examined this hypothesis.