The Traveling Tree


If you’ve been in the Snoqualmie Powerhouse in the past day or two you’ve probably seen a giant tree in the middle of that quiet study space captivating your attention. That tree is part of the United Way of Pierce County’s newest campaign on “Tackling Poverty at Its Roots”. It will be in the Powerhouse until April 11th and will then head to the Spring Fair.

Hanging from 1/3 of the tree are pin tags where people can make a donation or learn more about the work UWPC does. The pin tag includes an ACTUAL PIN that you can take! The other 2/3 of the tree is made up of leaves that reflect the work of UWPC – including data and successful results.

During set-up I got the opportunity to meet folks from UWPC and their volunteers. Leah Martin, who spearheaded the partnership with UW Tacoma Library, is actually a UWT Alum! She reminisced on her time on campus and how it was exactly what she needed – a smaller campus environment in the community she loves.

This is a call to make the invisible visible so stop by and visit, donate if you can, or know you aren’t alone and you have a community that sees you and there are resources here to help.
