Applications are now open for a fifth year of faculty training on Open Educational Resources! Open Educational Resources (OER) are free, openly licensed course materials that can be used to replace costly textbooks and customize learning experiences.
This summer workshop is designed to help faculty learn about OERs and implement them in a UW Tacoma course of their choice. Selected applicants will be offered $750 stipends (after benefits) to participate in the program and complete all deliverables.
The application to participate (linked below) is currently open and will close at the end of the day on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of the day on Friday, May 26, 2023.
Program Description
This multi-day, online workshop series will help faculty find high-quality OERs in their discipline, understand their terms of use, and begin redeveloping a UW Tacoma course to use free, openly licensed materials. It will include information about available resources and support for finding, adapting, and creating OERs.
Participants should expect to spend four to five hours on June 12 and 13 completing online learning activities, reviewing workshop materials, and participating in optional synchronous activities. Selected applicants will receive a planning survey assessing their online learning resources and preferences. An optional, additional training will also be offered on June 14 covering tools and resources for adapting or creating Open Educational Resources.
All participants are required to submit three to five page reports evaluating available resources for their chosen course, identifying savings to students if free materials are adopted, and outlining necessary steps to implement those resources in the 2023-24 academic year. It will also identify needs to support and encourage OER use on campus. The intent of the final report is to help you prepare to use OERs and allow the library to evaluate areas where further OER support is needed.
Optional, one-on-one support and consultations will be available to faculty throughout the program.
- By June 9: Course materials made available
- June 12: Required, half-day workshop session (asynchronous and online, with optional synchronous meetup)
- June 13: Required, half-day workshop session (asynchronous and online, with optional synchronous meetup)
- June 14: Optional, two-hour training on adapting or creating OER (synchronous and online)
- June 14 – June 19: Optional search and implementation consultations
- June 19: Required final report due by end of day
Expectations and Deliverables:
- Course participation on June 12 and 13 and completion of online learning activities is required.
- Final reports are required from all participants, due by the end of the day on June 19. In addition to the details above, a prompt outlining the full requirements will be provided.
Recommended Reading
In addition to this document, it is highly recommended that you review the two, short readings linked below before applying. This will help make sure you have a good sense of what you’re signing up for before the program begins.
- SPARC’s OER Mythbusting resource
- Panel Discussion: Open Educational Resources at UW Tacoma (with a group of prior workshop participants)
- Marisa Petrich, Instructional Design Librarian: marisp2@uw.edu
Apply now
- Deadline: Submissions are due by the end of the day on May 17, 2023
Application preview
Before applying, please review the program description. A limited number of stipends are available and it’s likely not all applicants will be admitted. By submitting your application, you are confirming that you understand the program expectations and intend to participate.
Faculty from all OER experience levels are welcome to participate in this training, which includes time to search for and evaluate new, openly licensed course materials. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a strong interest in finding and using Open Educational Resources for their selected course regardless of their level of experience.
Full participation in online learning activities on June 12 and 13 is required. Final reports are required from all participants, due by the end of the day on June 19.
Required qualifications:
- Familiarity with and ability to complete all program requirements, including course participation on June 12 & 13 and final report submission by June 19.
- New applicants will be given priority over prior participants.
Desired qualifications:
- Demonstrated interest in converting a UW Tacoma course to use materials that are both free and openly licensed. For more information, please see the recommended readings linked from the program description.
- Name:
- School / Program / Division:
- Preferred contact email:
- You will be asked to search for and evaluate materials for a specific UW Tacoma course to be offered in the 2023-24 academic year. Please list one or two possible courses you are considering for this requirement.
- In one to three paragraphs, please explain your interest in the program, experience with Open Educational Resources (if any), and what you hope to achieve by participating:
- To ensure that we are able to issue your stipend in a timely manner, please tell us more about your appointment status.
- Please confirm that you have read about the program’s expectations and deliverables, and commit to completing all required activities and tasks (including participation on June 12 and 13).
- If applicable, please describe any conflicts or concerns you have that may interfere with your ability to meet the program requirements.