Meet our Staff: Hannah Wilson

Hannah Wilson has been at UW Tacoma since 2014, and manages the Access Services Unit at the UW Tacoma Library, which is responsible for circulating materials, assuring access to the collection, reserves, equipment check out, and many of the other services available in the library!

Image of a standing woman in a blue top with a headband and necklace.
(Photo courtesy of Hannah Wilson).
  1. What did you major in/are you majoring in at UWT?  In college I majored in Education (secondary social studies) and after school I taught public high school for two years.
  2. What’s your relationship to UWT? I came to UWT to work in the Library. In the five years I’ve been here I’ve become quite fond of this campus and its engaged student population.
  3. What drew you to working in libraries?  In college I worked at the main campus library at the University of Wyoming. I have always liked libraries, and enjoy the public facing service work we do at our desks.
  4. What parts of your job are you most excited about? I’m excited about the new, student driven initiatives the library has undertaken in the last few years. Our textbook program and our late night hours were both targeted to improve the student experience on campus. I want to continue to get students access to the resources they need to succeed at UWT.
  5. Have you read anything good lately? I’m doing the Tacoma Public Library Extreme Reader Challenge this year. I’ve read 26 of the 50 books I’ve pledged to read for the challenge, so I’ve read quite a lot of good books lately! I’d have to say my favorite so far was Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal, a modern Pakistani retelling of Pride and Prejudice
  6. Any advice for UWT students? As much as your time allows, take courses outside your major. Once you leave UWT your chance to broaden your world view and talk to experts like our instructors in engaged rooms full of other learners will be few. Take the time now to see life outside your experiences and outside what you’ve planned for yourself.