Publish & Flourish: Randy Nichols

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Publish and Flourish is an annual event that recognizes the accomplishments of our faculty and staff who have published within the past year. In connection with the Office of Research and the University Bookstore, The UW Tacoma Library  celebrates the achievements of our campus community. In lieu of our campus closure, we will be highlighting these publications online through our blog. The UW Tacoma library purchases all faculty and staff publications to make them available to the UW community. This week we are highlighting:

Political Economy of Media Industries: Global Transformations and Challenges

Editor: Randy Nichols with Gabriela Martinez
Department: Culture, Arts and Communication, division of School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

Book Cover: Political Economy of Media Industries“This book provides a critical political economic examination of the impact of increasingly concentrated global media industries. It addresses different media and communication industries from around the globe, including film, television, music, journalism, telecommunication, and information industries. The authors use case studies to examine how changing methods of production and distribution are impacting a variety of issues including globalization, environmental devastation, and the shifting role of the State. This collection finds communication at a historical moment in which capitalist control of media and communication is the default status and, so, because of the increasing levels of concentration globally allows those in control to define the default ideological status. In turn, these concentrated media forces are deployed under the guise of entertainment but with a mind towards further concentration and control of the media apparatuses many times in convergence with others.” – Routledge

Locate the Ebook in the UW Libraries catalog here
Learn more about the author here

The UW Tacoma Library is very proud of your accomplishments, Randy Nichols. Congratulations!