Publish and Flourish: S. Umit Kucuk


Publish and Flourish is an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments of our staff and faculty who have published monographs within the past year. The UW Tacoma Library purchases all staff and faculty publications to make them available to our campus community. This year’s event is being hosted online through our blog. 

This week we are highlighting:

Consumer Voice: The Democratization of Consumption Markets in the Digital Age

Author: S. Umit Kucuk

Department: Milgard School of Business

Picture of a book cover for "Consumer Voice: The Democratization of Consumption Markets in the Digital Age" by S. Umit Kucuk.

This book proposes a new type of consumer called a voicing consumer, or a voicesumer. This type of consumer is shaping our markets and marketing interactions with the advent of social networking sites in the digital markets. Described by the author as “real establishment of market democracy,” consumer voice is gaining more importance in today’s world, especially with the changes in communication technologies in markets. In defining the equalizing and democratic relationship between ordinary consumers and corporations, or any other regular company, the book highlights recent transformative experiences and cases in consumption cultures and consumer behaviors. Current theory discusses new types of consumer complaint behaviors, such as consumer activism and boycott, but this book fills a void by defining how these changes have created a new type of consumer. This new conceptualization of consumer behavior will advance scholarship for consumer behavior, psychology and marketing researchers.”
Palgrave Macmillan

Find the ebook in the UW Libraries catalog here.

Learn more about the author here.

The UW Tacoma Library is very proud of your accomplishments,      S. Umit Kucuk. Congratulations!