New Exhibit in SNO: Caring for the Mind and Body

image of book covers that are all about coping with stress

Just in time for finals — we have a new exhibit up in Snoqualmie.  Entitled “Caring for the Mind and Body”, this exhibit is imagined as a response to the current hectic climate (politically, socially, environmentally, and otherwise) which may be impacting well-being. Broadly conceived, the exhibit is focused around mental health and mental health practices, and the mind-body connection (focus on sleep, exercise, nutrition, etc. as ways to bolster mental health).

The exhibit is further grounded around one of the guiding principles of the UW Tacoma Library, of acquiring, managing, and facilitating access to exceptional collections uniquely suited to the UW Tacoma curriculum. We thus are proud to share some of the many resources this library can offer our community about mental, emotional, and physical health.

So stop by, and check out a book about yoga, dealing with stress, or the effect of self-care on health.

Good luck with final papers and exams, Huskies! You’ve worked really hard and the quarter is almost over!


Below you will find a selection of resources available to you for your physical and mental health.

If you have a medical or psychological emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to a local emergency room. Student Health Services is not equipped to provide emergency treatment. For a mental health crisis, you may want to consider the Pierce County Crisis Hotline at 800-576-7764.

Mental Health

  • Student Counseling Services

    The Student Counseling Center provides free counseling to currently enrolled UW Tacoma students and consultation to faculty and staff. It is common for students to experience times when they feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of college, work, family, and relationships. The Student Counseling Center is here to help students cope with stresses and personal issues that can interfere with their ability to perform in school.

  • Mental Health Screening/Online Test

    Take the opportunity to fill out a brief self-assessment test for Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Alcohol or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Each screening will take 4 to 5 minutes to complete. Your screening score is informational, not diagnostic. It indicates whether your responses are consistent with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Alcohol or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and where to call for help. The University has counselors available to meet with you and discuss the results of your online screening at your request.


  • UW Tacoma Student Health

    Funded by UW Tacoma student fees, office visits are free of charge. While some services at the visit may incur costs, such as some lab work and some vaccinations, they are offered at discounted rates and will be discussed with you before they are ordered.

  • Help with Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    Schedule an appointment for any STD, reproductive health, family planning, or sexual concerns or questions. Your needs will be met in a professional and confidential manner.


  • Whole U Resources

    Focused on creating connections, holistic wellness, and engaging your interests, The Whole U is for UW, by UW.

  • UW Tacoma Y

    All active, enrolled UW Tacoma students who pay the quarterly University Y Student Center student fee, receive a membership to the University Y. The membership is valid each quarter as long as the student continues to enroll and pay the fee.

Community Resources

  • Rainbow Center

    Through education, advocacy, and celebration, the Rainbow Center expands resources and safe space for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied (LGBTQA) community.