Becoming Nisei: Author Event

Please join us for a conversation with authors and UW Tacoma Faculty Lisa Hoffman and Mary Hanneman about their new book, Becoming Nisei. This rich and detailed resource adds new dimensions to our state’s and our city’s understanding of Japanese American history. Thanks to the work of Hoffman and Hanneman, we will continue to learn Read More…

From the Tacoma Community History Project: A History of the Tacoma Smelter & Its Workers

Interview and Project By Angela Cookson; blog post written by Erika Wigren. In this project from the Tacoma Community History collection, UW Tacoma alumni Angela Cookson interviews Chuck O’Donahue and Curtis Dungey. Both O’Donahue and Dungey worked for the company ASARCO, who ran Tacoma’s copper smelter plant for almost 100 years. Chuck O’Donahue began working for Read More…

From UWT’s Oral History Collection: Dr. Maxine Mimms and Building a Learning Community

Interview and Project By Robin Eisenbacher; blog post written by Erika Wigren. Educator, administrator, social worker, inspiration; throughout her lifetime, Dr. Maxine Williams has had many titles. In her interview with UW alumni Robin Eisenbacher she discusses over 60 years of work and achievements in the education field. Dr. Maxine Mimms was born in racially Read More…

From UW Tacoma Library’s Oral History Collection: Father Bill Bichsel and the Disarm Now Plowshares

Interview and Project By Lucas Dambergs; blog post written by Erika Wigren Born and raised in Tacoma, Father Bill Bichsel, best known by his nickname “Father Bix,” was a Jesuit priest and non-violent activist who committed his life to community service and anti-war efforts. With friends, Father Bichsel co-founded the Tacoma Catholic Worker, a community Read More…

#TacomaPublicDomain Reflections for OA Week

On Monday of this week, I had had the opportunity to present to the IAS Seminar: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Local History, being taught this quarter by Kim Davenport, and shared these slides: When we scheduled this presentation awhile ago, I hadn’t realized that it would fall during Open Access Week, but it turned out to Read More…

Open Access Week 2018 at UW Tacoma

Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, free of most copyright and licensing restriction. – from Open Access (MIT Press) by Peter Suber, This year, the UW Tacoma Library is partnering with the UW Libraries Scholarly Communication Outreach Team to host a series of events for Open Access Week. Through these activities, we seek Read More…