VisCog Wiki



Geoffrey Boynton

My lab works closely with the labs of Ione Fine and Scott Murray. We use a combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) behavioral measurements to study the relationship between neuronal responses in the visual cortex of the brain and our conscious visual experience. Google Scholar

Ione Fine

My goal is to understand the mechanisms of plasticity in the human brain by linking changes in function to changes in neuroanatomical structure, with a particular focus on the effects of early sensory loss and prosthetic vision. Google Scholar

Scott Murray

Our research focuses on the neural and computational mechanisms underlying perception and attention, with a particular emphasis on neurodiversity. We use state-of-the-art neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, computational models, and behavioral assessments to shed light on the complex mechanisms that drive our interactions with the environment. In an effort to promote understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity, we integrate a focus on autism and related neurodivergent conditions into our research. We believe that understanding the neural mechanisms of perception and attention in these populations can provide valuable insights into the full spectrum of human experiences. Google Scholar

Ariel Rokem

The brain is a tremendously complex system and in order to understand it we are going to need large amounts of data from many different kinds of measurements. Me and my colleagues use data science methods to integrate the information provided by these measurements into a coherent picture. In particular, we develop statistical analysis techniques to decipher the role of networks of brain areas in complex behaviors and in brain disorders, and I implement these techniques in robust, efficient, and openly-available computer software. Google Scholar


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