Forest Resilience Lab


Forest resilience lab develops tools for processing lidar and remote sensing data that can be used by forest managers in decision-making about the treatment methods to be used.

1. RX Gaming Tool & Licosim: Rxgaming and Licosim are two tools to assist managers in understanding and decision making around forest restoration, reference/resilient conditions, and forest spatial heterogeneity. These tools both leverage lidar derived TAOs to measure the current basal area, density, mean clump size, canopy cover, and biomass of candidate treatment units, compare them against the most climatically and topographically similar reference stands, and simulate treatment towards the reference conditions. This informs the user on the degree of departure and the potential for restoration at a given site. More information is available in the adjoining powerpoint.

Click here to view an animation of the treatment algorithm

Click to download RxGaming tool

Example Dataset

2. Lapis: Lapis is a new tool for processing aerial lidar for forest science and management. It formalizes the standard outputs and workflows of other tools into a single easy-to-use program. It handles many common pain points internally, such as unit conversion and reprojection. It achieves significant speedups over other tools by targeting modern hardware and optimizing a single workflow. More information is available in the adjoining powerpoint.