Smart Medical Devices Lab (SMDL)

May 12, 2023

A new conference paper on the integration of robot-ultrasound imaging accepted at UR 2023

The outcomes of 2022 summer REU project led to a peer-reviewed paper, which was co-authored with two Heritage University undergrad students, and it has been accepted to a conference. Yoon will be attending the conference, Ubiquitous Robots 2023 ( ) as the first author of the paper (6/25/2023 – 6/28/2023).

  1. Jong Yoon, Maria Barrios*, Eric Mendoza*, Pierre Mourad, Design and Optimization of a Collaborative Robot-Assisted Ultrasound Imaging for Automated Vascular Diagnosis, 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), June 25-28, 2023.