Future Graduate Students: Funding Opportunity

Are you applying to become a graduate student as of autumn quarter 2016? Looking for funding via a teaching assistantship? Read on to learn about opportunities to TA, and an upcoming TA Application Workshop via the Department of Asian Languages and Literature: 

TA Application Workshop: For Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, and Korean Language Programs

  • When: Friday, November 20th
  • Time: 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
  • Location: Savery Hall Rm. 156

The Department of Asian Languages & Literature is looking for prospective Teaching Assistants who can teach Asian languages (Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, or Korean language courses) for the 2016-2017 academic year. Our Academic Counselor and Faculty members will explain the TA application process for each language program.

This is a great opportunity to get your application questions answered and meet with faculty in the program.

For more information about the TA positions, CLICK HERE. Or, feel free to email asianapp@uw.edu. The application materials can be found by clicking on the above link. Deadline for applications is January 11, 2016. 

**These positions are for Graduate Students only.