The recruitment period for Engineering Interns is now open. If you’re interested in this opportunity, please submit an application:
Engineering Intern: Pavement Management (2 positions)
- Job Type: Internship, Temporary-full time.
- Salary: $15 without applicable bachelor’s degree, $18 with applicable bachelor’s degree
- Application Due Date: March 27th, 2016
- Location: City of Lakewood
- Time Frame: 3 months, beginning May/June and ending August/September, depending on employees’ availability.
- Qualifications: Completion of at least one year of college course work towards a two or four year degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field of study. Must possess a valid Washington’s driver’s license.
Engineering Intern: Surface Water Division Managment (SWM)
- Job Type: Internship, Temporary
- Salary: $15 without applicable bachelor’s degree, $18 with applicable bachelor’s degree
- Application Due Date: March 27th, 2016
- Time Frame: Temporary, 6 month position
- Qualifications: Completion of at least one year of college course work towards a two or four year degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field of study. Must possess a valid Washington’s driver’s license.
More Information:, select Engineering, then this position.