Wallis Engineering in Vancouver, WA is looking for a summer intern. The position will be paid, with compensation depending on experience. They would prefer to hire an intern who is either a junior or a senior.
Job Description: Wallis Engineering is looking for one civil engineering intern with strong collaboration skills for a full time temporary position during the summer break period. We seek a highly technical individual who will enjoy assisting project engineers on the planning, design, and construction engineering for public agency water, wastewater, and street projects. Field work may be required.
How to Apply: Please email your resume to recruiting@walliseng.net or mail to: Personnel, Wallis Engineering 215 W 4th Street, Suite 200 Vancouver, WA 98660
Questions?: If you have any questions about the position or our firm, please call us at (360) 695-7041.
About Wallis Engineering: Wallis Engineering is a municipal civil engineering firm established in 1984. Our office is located in downtown Vancouver, Washington (part of the Portland, OR metropolitan area) and has a staff of twenty, including eleven engineers. From the beginning, we have focused upon general civil and sanitary engineering projects for municipal clients. Despite our small size we do a pretty amazing variety of projects. Projects we typically complete include wastewater treatment plants and nontraditional street improvements, along with a variety of stormwater management and design, water supply and distribution, and wastewater system design projects. We also do quite a few planning projects, including water, wastewater, and drainage. Wallis Engineering has experienced steady growth due primarily to an excellent reputation for service and performance by meeting our client’s needs.
We believe in hiring quality people and keeping them. Our employee turnover is very low – our average employee has been with the firm eight years. We offer competitive salaries, good benefits, and an ongoing training program.