American Water Resources Association Officerships

Interested in learning about water resources issues, serving in a leadership role, and advancing your professional development? The UW student chapter of the American Water Resources Association is looking for several new student officers for the 2016-2017 academic year. Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome.

Officer positions with AWRA-UW involve planning several events over the course of the year, including mixers with water resources professionals, educational tours and speaker events. They work as a group to plan events and the time commitment is pretty moderate. Positions include president, secretary, professional liaison, treasurer, webmaster, and publicity chair.

This year’s officers will be meeting on Tuesday, June 7 at 12:30 pm in the Forest Club Room of Anderson Hall to fill roles for the next academic year. They will also be recapping chapter events and business from this year – this is a great chance to get involved and learn more about the chapter!