San Francisco PUC Wastewater Enterprise Internship Opportunities

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Wastewater Enterprise is offering 6-month paid internship positions in its Environmental Engineering Department. This is a great opportunity to work in a world class agency and be a part of its multi-billion Sewer System Improvement Project.

SFPUC Mission: To provide its customers with high-quality, efficient, and reliable water,
Power, and wastewater services in a manner that values environmental and
community interests and sustains the resources entrusted to its care. To that
end, the specific purpose of the Wastewater Enterprise (WWE) is to protect
public health and the environment by treating and discharging San Francisco’s
wastewater, stormwater, and biosolids safely and cost effectively.

Position description: The selected candidates will provide support to in-house Environmental Engineering, working on research and development projects as well as
providing daily support to Operations. The main tasks include lab scale and full
scale experimental work, sample collection (wastewater, biosolids and air),
laboratory analysis, data analysis, literature review, report writing and pilot
plant operation. Examples of current projects include mainstream shortcut
nitrogen removal, Class A biosolids production, digestion bio-augmentation,
phosphorus recovery, primary effluent filtration, development of artificial
intelligence tools for predictive maintenance and advanced system controls
and plant energy audit.

  • Internship Duration: 1040 hours equivalent to 6 months of full time work
    Preferred qualification: Environmental, Civil and Chemical Engineering Graduate students
  • Salary: From $29.5 to $32.2 per hour depending on education level
    Salary details can be found online at:
  • Expected starting date: From January 2020 to July 2020 (start and end date can be flexible)
  • Position locations: Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant (750 Phelps Street in San Francisco), Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant (3500 Great Highway in San Francisco)

Application Deadline: November 22, 2019

COB Application Website:

In addition to applying online, send resume and cover letter to Alexandre Miot
Contact: Alexandre Miot – Process Engineer