Apply to be a Part of Research Experiences for Undergraduates

The Research Experiences For Undergraduates (REU) program offers research opportunities at 10 multi-hazard engineering equipment sites during a 10-week summer research program. Study areas include earthquake, wind, tsunami, coastal engineering, data management and cyberinfrastructure.

Learn more about REU and find the application here.

The application deadline is Feb 1, 2020.

Benefits of Participation:

  • WORK with experienced faculty and graduate students
  • WRITE a professional, publishable research paper
  • NETWORK with peers in research group meetings
  • LEARN about graduate school and development
  • BUILD relationships through mentoring
  • GAIN hands-on research experience

REU Block 1: May 27 – August 4, 2020

  • Florida International University; Lehigh University; University of California, Berkeley; University of Florida; University of Texas, Austin
  • Mobile shakers orogram
  • Cyberinfrastructure

REU Block 2: June 15 – August 21, 2020

  • Oregon State University; University of California, Davis; University of California, San Diego; University of Washington

Travel funding provided, including stipend for room and board for the 10-week summer program. Underrepresented minority, women, and veteran undergraduate students are encouraged to apply.