Upload Photos for the Graduation Slideshow by Jun 14

A message from the Advising Team:
We are constructing a slideshow for the 2020 CEE Virtual Graduation Celebration and need your help!​
​If you have any photos from your time in CEE that you would like to share (such as study abroad experiences, student outings, fun times you want to remember, etc.), please select your top 4-5 photos and upload them to the following ​link (the uploaded photos will be accessible to anyone with access to the link)
Upload your photos by Jun 14th.
You are also welcome to be creative and upload a collage or video if you would like. ​
​***Please understand that the photos may be shown at our departmental virtual graduation and that we have the right to exclude any photos that we deem inappropriate. We likely will not be able to include every photo uploaded for a variety of reasons such as number of photos submitted, picture quality, etc.***​