Race & Equity Initiative Healing and Wellness Sessions

Greetings, UW Community.

Please join the Race & Equity Initiative for two healing and wellness sessions with local wellness practitioner Tai Velasquez. Tai’s work focuses on breathing and meditation practice as one tool for slowing down and connecting with our inner guidance. You are invited to attend one or both sessions.

  • Tuesday, May 4 from 4:00-4:45 (please register by 9am on 5/4)
  • Tuesday, May 18 from 4:00-4:45 (please register by 9am on 5/18)

Zoom registration is required—Please use your UW email address. Register here.

Please know, they will not admit people from the waiting room who do not login with the name they provided during the registration process. They also reserve the right to remove any participant who disrupts or is counterproductive to the healing space we are creating.

Learn more about the sessions below.

Session description:

We are living in a time where many of us are overstimulated, over-scheduled and overwhelmed. We are also bearing witness to racial violence and living with the associated mental, emotional and physical trauma. It is unreasonable to expect of ourselves or others that we would move through our daily lives without acknowledging the impact of our environmental circumstances.

So, we will pause together. Using mindfulness practices, we will slow down collectively to catch our breath and make space for wellness. Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to the present moment with curiosity and compassion. Our mindfulness sessions will consist of research-based breathing practices, gentle movement and intentional awareness exercises to support a more settled nervous system. Knowing that human beings have over 70,000 thoughts per day, we will take a mental “timeout” together using various mindfulness practices. No experience is necessary.