CEE347 TA Position – Available for Both Grad & UGrad Students!

Hello CEE Students,

Please take a look at this TA position!

I am seeking a teaching assistant for the junior-level CEE 347 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics this fall. The course will have two TAs, who will share or split the course tasks including: setup and run lab sections (alternate Tuesdays), lead problem-based workshops (Wednesday mornings), hold office hours and exam review sessions, and grading of labs, homework assignments and exams. Total time will be limited to 20-hr per week. This position is open to graduate students or undergraduates who have taken CEE347, and the hourly rate is as established by UW:  $17.79/hr for undergraduate students and $21.49/hr for graduate students.

If you would like to be considered for this position or have questions about it, please email Alex Horner-Devine at arhd@uw.edu as soon as possible. Include a brief statement about:

– why are are interested in the position,

– your background in fluid mechanics (have you taken a similar fluid mechanics class before?), and

– your availability for labs (Tues 10:30 – 3:30), workshops (Wed 8:30 – 10:30)