Student Wellness/Recovery Resources

Hi everybody,

The university worked hard to reach out to students who were injured and witnesses to the shooting during the first weekend of October. There was also a hit-and-run that took place.  We know that such events can impact the community even if people were not at the scene.  In that spirit, we want to share a few resources for you to share with students and your departments:

  • Instagram post: []
  • Website link:
  • Drop-in for Let’s Talk for a brief one-time consultation Tuesday or Thursday from 2 – 4 p.m (link in bio).
  • Call the Counseling Center at 206-543-1240 or stop by if you are interested in counseling.
  • MySSP – If you are having a hard time or need crisis support, MySSP is available 24/7 to chat. You can reach them at 1.866.775.0608.

Part of how we get through this is by being in community with each other.  Thank you for being part of the UW community supporting students and each other.