BEYOND ENGINEERING – Event Invitation for Wednesday, May 24th at 5:00 p.m.

This is an invitation to come to a departmental event where we are hosting a group of freshmen (undecided) engineering students. I would like people from our own department to attend because the purpose of the event is for these freshmen to interact with students actually in the department – to find out what it’s like and ask questions. This event will feature three of our own: Mo Malakoutian (CEE 220 GOAT instructor), Kim Tsai (BSCE 2016), and Jorge Riancho (BSCE 2023). They will talk about things you can do with a civil engineering degree that are NOT civil engineering.

What: Beyond Engineering – Use your engineering degree to do whatever you want!

When: Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Where: Maple Hall Great Room

Food: Free Pizza!

Bonus: Introducing Engineering Rome 2024

RSVP Here:

Why should you, a CEE student (undergraduate or graduate student), go? Here are the top reasons:

  • Tell others about your experience in the department
  • Tell others about your desires BEYOND ENGINEERING
  • Tell others about Engineering Rome (Rome 2022 alumni, you know who you are!)
  • Cheer on Professor Mo one more time! Especially if you were in his Spring 2022 class.
  • Support your classmate, Jorge, as he tells his story
  • Introduce yourself to Kim, who went from CEE, to Walsh Construction, to UW MBA student – how did she do it and why?
  • Get extra credit in your class (if Steve Muench is your instructor)

There has GOT to be a reason for you to go in that list. I will be there and I’d love to see you there.

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