The School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (SAFS) is hiring Teaching Assistants for duties in Winter Quarter 2024:
Course: FISH 323 Conservation & Management of Aquatic Resources
Instructor: Katie McElroy
Dates: December 16, 2023 – March 15, 2024
Compensation: Position is 50% FTE; salary is commensurate with academic standing
(ASE salary schedule:
Deadline to Apply: October 18, 2023. Priority consideration given to applications received by this date. Applications will be accepted after this date if the position remains unfilled
Course description:
Topics include population dynamics, extinction risk, meta-populations, marine reserves, bioeconomics, protection of endangered species, sustainable harvesting, and management institutions. Examines case studies such as salmon, albatross, and whales as representative of conservation issues in aquatic sciences. Sampling, experimental design, computer skills, and research writing.
To apply, complete application form* at and upload the following additional documents (under one cover, with course name and number and your full name in the document’s title):
- Cover letter – include description of your general background, why you are applying for this ASE position, strengths and any abilities directly related to the specific course(s) that you would bring to the position, etc.
- Current resumé
- Name, title, and contact information (email, phone number) for three references who are familiar with your teaching abilities and/or knowledge and experience relevant to the content of the course(s) for which you are applying.
*To access the form, log in using your address (
Full position description attached. Questions may be directed to