Invitation to Just Hack: The Just Transition Challenge


My name is Isabel and I want to invite all UW members to a free event focusing on professional networking+skills development, creativity, and collective action. Please don’t hesitate to share the following information:

Join Front and Centered, Latino Community Fund, People’s Economy Lab, and other organizations across Washington State in the Just Hack: A Just Transition Challenge, on November 17-18, in Seattle or Yakima Valley, to co-create solutions to address social, environmental, and climate justice issues. All skills are welcome, from arts, crafts, and activism to science and tech; there are no small ideas to tackle what impacts our communities. Plus, there are great prizes!

  • Four categories to work on: Just economy, food justice, environmental justice, and inclusive+resilient communities.

We are looking for:

  • Participants over 16 years old from all backgrounds, with all interests and skills (artists, activists, crafters, storytellers, techies, scientists…) are invited. Team up and address a meaningful challenge, while learning in action what a just transition looks like. Here are our flyers (English version and Spanish version).
  • Mentors who want to support participants and share part of their experience (if interested, please complete this short form by October 30th). The minimum time commitment is 2 hours on November 18 and options to connect remotely will be available.
  • Challenge advocates: Groups/CBOs/agencies/SB owners who want to propose one or two challenges under the 4 categories for participants to address. A challenge could be a request to co-create resources (webpages, logos, infographics, maps, games, etc), find and curate data around a particular topic, or help design a campaign. The sky’s the limit! If this is something that your group might be interested in, please complete this form.

For more information and to register visit


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