Graham Construction recruiting visit to CEE: Friday, November 3rd, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. More Hall

Hi all,

ANOTHER great contractor wants YOU!

Graham Contracting , an international construction company with local Seattle offices, is coming to our department on Friday, November 3rd to talk about job and internship opportunities in their company for the coming year. This is a GREAT opportunity to make contact with a local hirer for both interns and full-time jobs. All that SR 520 construction in the Montlake area? That’s Graham.

What: Graham Contracting recruiting visit to CEE

When: Friday, November 3rd, 2023 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Where: More Hall, Room 220

Food: Free Pizza!

Why go: learn about Graham, get internships and jobs! Eat pizza!

Our friends from Graham, including Joey Lakey (BSCE 2023), will come to talk about opportunities to work with Graham in both internship and full-time positions. Graham is a big international contractor with offices in Seattle. Just like Skanska (if you were at their session), they build buildings and heavy civil things (e.g., bridges, roads, etc.). Graham is VERY progressive in its diverse hiring practices. Ask them about it.

You may have seen Graham’s work near UW:

SR 520/Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge Replacement Project – Graham Construction & Engineering Inc

Washington State Route 520 (SR 520) is a state highway and major freeway in the Seattle metropolitan area.

707 Terry – Graham Construction & Engineering Inc

The design consists of twin 34-story apartment towers with 486 residential units. Both towers sit on top of a three-story concrete podium containing 5,200 sf of additional apartments, 8,000 sf of ground floor retail, restaurant, and lobby areas.

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