EWB Looking for Spanish Translator for Trip to Guatemala

Engineers Without Borders, UW Student Chapter, is seeking a translator for Sept. 2015 for non-profit work in Guatemala.

EWB works in low income communities all over the globe on projects that help the community. This year we have a trip planned from Sept. 6th to 25th. During this trip we will be helping with the design and construction of a community center.

We have the team ready with the design and expertise, but we have no one proficient in Spanish to help us translate and communicate with the local construction crew during our visit there. Hence we have been looking for a native Spanish speaker to join us in Guatemala this Sept. All expenses, including travel costs, lodging, food, and health insurance will be taken care of.

If this seems like a project that you’d be interested in joining, please email me at: cyndilopez6@gmail.com.

Cyndi Lopez
CEE PhD Student – Geotechnical Engineering