OPEN GRADER POSITION: CEE 434 Project Estimating

Greetings all,

Professor Julian Yamaura is looking to hire an undergraduate or a graduate student grader for CEE 434 Project Estimating. This course prepares students to become proficient at estimating the cost of construction projects using current industry standard software and techniques. No experience in cost estimating is necessary. Preference will be given to students that have either taken CEE 434 Project Estimating or have relevant practical experience (internships count) in cost engineering and estimating. Attendance of lectures is not required. The hourly rate for these positions has been established by the UW at $17.79/hr for undergraduate students and $21.49/hr for graduate students.

Duties include:

  • Attend weekly instructor/TA meetings
  • Grade homework assignments and/or exams
  • Maintain grading and/or assignment completion records

If you are interested, please send an email to Professor Yamaura ( and include the following:

  • If you are an undergraduate or graduate student
  • General work availability
  • Relevant experience (course work, job, teaching, etc.), if any
  • Please respond by Oct. 3rd if interested.