This resource is intended to be a compendium of useful information to help emergency radiologists in their daily work. It contains classification schemes with brief definitions and illustrations which can simplify dictation and facilitate patient management.

This front page contains protocol information specific to the University of Washington, and may not be available to non-UW personnel. Most links on this page require VPN login if not on UW/HMC LAN

Please feel free to contact me with any corrections or suggestions for additional pages:

Harborview Specific protocols

Emergency Radiology Home Page

Tutorials/Basic Material

e-Anatomy Website


Adult CHI Imaging Algorithm**
Pediatric (0 – 17 years) CHI imaging**
Acute Stroke Protocol Imaging**
CTA Head vs CTA Neck Algorithm*
BCVI screening in blunt trauma**
Indications for Urgent MRI**
ED MRI ordering process*


ED Chest Pain Pathway**
Sudden Cardiac Death*
Pediatric BAT**
Adult BAT**
Torso GSW**
Torso Stab Wound**
Bladder Imaging in Trauma**
Retrograde Urethrogram**
Suspected Pulmonary Embolism**
Gastrostomy Tube Check**


C-spine Evaluation**
T-L Spine Evaluation**
Pelvic Fracture**
Portable Ortho plain films**


Sudden Cardiac Death*
Lower Extremity Vascular Injury Imaging Algorithm**
Coronary CTA at HMNC & UWML* **


Pediatric Imaging Protocols* **
Radiation During Pregnancy* **

Seattle Children’s Consult process (pdf download)


Evaluation form (Faculty only)

Fellow Educational Material

What’s New in ERad? (** Updated 1/10/2025**)

–General Imaging protocols

CT Protocol cheat sheet*
Identification of Injector-Compatible Ports
Oral Contrast in the ED*
After-hours Ultrasound Guidelines*
Vascular Ultrasound
Cleaning US equipment
ED MRI ordering process*

Contrast Guidelines

Link to new RadLinks site


Critical Results Reporting
Reporting Pulmonary Embolism
Tips for Accurate Reporting in Trauma
Body Preliminary Reports on Inpatients
Neuro Preliminary Reports
ED Transfer Overread policy

–Disaster Plans

Emergency Radiology Continuity (downtime) plan

Emergeny Radiology Disaster Activation Plan


Links Page
UW MSK Web Site

Map ERad to Neuro
Map HMC Emergency Department
Map HMC ED to Radiology
Emergency Department Faculty
Emergency Department Residents
Radiology Policies/Procedures

*Imaging protocol- How to Image

**Clinical protocol- When to image