Impacts of Climate Change on the Pacific Northwest


August 21, 2019

Geology Blog 1: Volcanic activity in PNW

We are undergraduates from Nanjing University. In this summer workshop, we’re focusing on the geology of Washington. Our majors are very different, including GIS, human geography, marine science, atmospheric science. Before we went hiking on Mt. Rainier, we watched a video about Mt. St. Helen’s eruptions. They are both active volcanoes, but the last time…

August 20, 2019

Snapshots of mountains, wetlands, and local residents

During the day we traveled to Mount Rainier National Park.  Heading up to the Paradise visitors center the workshop participants learned about the geology of Mount Rainier, the ecology of high elevation wetlands, and the human impacts at locations of high visitation. Dr. Moskal discussing the glaciers on Mount Rainier   The participants also got…

Evening lecture by Prof. Ettl, the Director of UW SEFS Centre for Sustainable Forestry

We learned about forestry history, ecology and sustainability, a great end to a long day hiking around Mt. Rainier Paradise Area to learn about Prof. Moskal’s past research at the Park on social trail usage and a second project on riparian forest monitoring. We spent the afternoon exploring wetlands and ecosystem services with UW RSGAL’s…

August 19, 2019

SLAM Lidar and Thermal photos

Spent time today to go on a short hike and snack on huckleberries while demonstrating the backpack lidar unit and the thermal camera. These two tools can be used together to gauge canopy shading on riparian systems and subsequent surface temperatures. We had a slightly different use for them today!

Movie Night @ Pack Forest

We are learning about Mt. Rainer and Mt. St. Helen’s lahars and pyroclastic flows, tomorrow we head to the mountain.

August 18, 2019

Welcome to Seattle!

So it begins, 2 universities, 20+ participants and 10 days of exploring climate change impacts in the PNW.

And they are off to Seattle!

Participants of the workshop ready to depart at the Shanghai International Airport! Keep an eye on this blog, we plan to post daily. Click image for full resolution.

August 16, 2019

About your blog assignments

Each team will post blog essays illustrated with pictures and short videos to the course website, discussing and documenting their experience from the perspective that their team is focused on, but also connecting the perspective to the other two teams. These should utilize graphic elements that you create in support of your story such as…

August 14, 2019

Welcome to the workshop blog!

This is where stories from the participants of this workshop will be posted as they learn about the Pacific Northwest (PNW). There are three focuses for this workshop; Geology, Ecology, and Human issues. There will be 4 posts here from each group over the duration of this workshop where the participants chronicle their experiences in…

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