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Animal Adoption Policy


When terminal endpoints are not required by the study, some animals on research protocols may be rehomed/retired from research rather than euthanized at the end of the study. When appropriate, the University of Washington supports the rehoming/adoption of suitable animals to individuals or organizations that can assure the provision of proper care and treatment of those animals. This policy outlines the steps involved in adopting transferring ownership of appropriate animals from the University of Washington to another individual or organization.


Any research animal deemed healthy and suitable for adoption by the attending veterinarian or designee
Transfer of ownership of the animal to an approved individual or organization


  1. Animals considered for adoption should be healthy, free of communicable diseases, appropriate temperament, and without any genetic modifications or permanent disabilities as determined by the Attending Veterinarian or designee.
  2. The principal investigator of the project must be consulted.
  3. Identifying an appropriate prospective owner or organization:
    • Must be involved in the animal care and use program (e.g., member of an investigative group or an employee of the Department of Comparative Medicine, Office of Animal Welfare, Washington National Primate Research Center), or recommended by an individual involved in the animal care and use programs.
    • The prospective owner must have the appropriate experience with and the home environment to care for that species
      • The prospective owner must fill out a questionnaire describing their experience with that species and home environment they would provide to the animal
      • ​The Attending Veterinarian or designee reviews the questionnaire and determines if the prospective owner is appropriate
      • The prospective organization must have experience with the species and must provide adequate veterinary care and housing. Prospective organizations must be evaluated and approved by the Attending Veterinarian (or designee). The evaluation process may vary depending on the organization but may include completion of a questionnaire and/or site visit of the facility. Organizations are only utilized when an immediate private adoption is not available or appropriate.
  4. When appropriate, the animal will undergo an ovariohysterectomy or neutering by Veterinary Service prior to adoption. Animals will not be available for adoption until 5-7 days post-surgery.
  5. ​​Transfer of ownership paperwork must be completed and approved by the principal investigator and Attending Veterinarian.
    • The University of Washington makes no guarantee as to the health or longevity of the animal.
    • The new owner or organization is responsible for all veterinary care and cost related to animal care upon transfer of ownership.
    • Adopters should notify the Attending Veterinarian, Department of Comparative Medicine, and/or Washington National Primate Research Center (as appropriate) if for any reason they need to relinquish the animal. However, the transfer of ownership is final, and the University will not take back an animal once it has been adopted.

Approval/Review Dates

Originally A​​​pproved: 05/16/2019, 08/25/2022
Last Reviewed/Revised by the IACUC: N/A

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