Rice is a very common food source for the world’s population, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations stated that more than 16% of the worlds consumed calories comes from rice. As populations continue to increase the rice yields also need to increase to offset the rapid urbanization and growth. Unfortunately, rice needs specific temperatures to grow, as the world temperatures continue to rise, it is an immediate threat to the rice industry.

Distribution of rice production in the world

Though there is potential for a solution. Jane Langdale, a professor of plant development at Oxford University has taken on the role as coordinator for a project called “C4 Rice Project.” This project has received funding from the Bill Gates Foundation; he gave them an initial grant in 2008 and then another $15 million for Phase 4 of the research. The goal of this project is to transform rice from a C3 mechanism to a C4 mechanism. What does this mean? C3 is the process that many plants follow to extract carbon from the carbon dioxide molecules it absorbs. Though there are a few plants that use a process called C4, this process allows plants to be more resistant to extreme heat and drought, they would be much easier to grow in different climates.

This is an interesting topic to think about. Initially I was thinking, “Wow, this sounds amazing, a new rice that is easier to grow and could potentially help support the growing population, sound perfect!” Though as I continued to think about this topic, I felt like there were a lot of uncertainties too. Could there be negative impacts in introducing this new type of rice? After all, it is a genetically modified organism. I think that the potential negative impacts need to be further explored so that I can understand the whole story, because this is a very promising solution to the problem rice is facing with climate change.

What are your thoughts on this issue?

Original Article Link: https://www.ozy.com/around-the-world/a-hardier-rice-for-a-warming-world/300425/

Image from: http://chartsbin.com/view/1009 


  1. While the idea of more robust rice varieties is appealing, it’s essential to approach this development cautiously by conducting comprehensive research into the long-term effects and potential unintended consequences of such genetic modifications. Striking a balance between addressing immediate food security challenges and ensuring the sustainability of our ecosystems is a complex task. When it comes to research, if you need writing help, this source can assist you: https://pickthewriter.com/services-reviews/grabmyessay . This issue underscores the need for rigorous scientific evaluation and transparent discussions to make informed decisions about our food systems in a changing climate.

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