Urban Farms’ Rapid Response to COVID-19

The spread of COVID-19 has unveiled our problematic and inequitable systems of society. It has also demonstrated great opportunity to change our current systems- such as rethinking and appreciating food. Royte’s article brings to light the importance of urban farming and how smaller, more accessible farms that are tied by place to the communities that they serve is beneficial, especially during a global pandemic.

Urban farms are extremely productive, and can produce a variety of crops in a densely populated space. The author describes in detail regarding the logistical adaptations and challenges of a 2.75 and 1.5 acre farms based in Brooklyn, New York. It was interesting to hear about how food systems are being impacted especially such a highly effected area that is increasingly experiencing immense loss in their community. The farms have launched delivery options, and have traded more labor-intensive crops, such as snap peas and microgreens to others that are suited for home cooking and grocery stores. A community supported agricultural model (CSA) was also described, where customers can pay up front for a guarantee box of fresh produce every week, which ultimately can provide much needed income to farmers who normally rely on in-person farmer’s markets or storefronts to sell crops.

To rely on a monopoly food corporation or national food distribution chain is a dangerous dice to roll, especially in a global pandemic. To have ultimate rule over a national distribution chain is a lot of pressure and responsibility when a chaotic event occurs, and overall has historically consolidated wealth and power. I believe that small urban farms can adapt and pivot quickly in a time of crisis in order to serve a community, and put more power into the hands of the people. Urban farms are the future!

Original article: https://thefern.org/ag_insider/virus-is-changing-how-urban-farms-operate-and-even-what-they-grow/

3 thoughts on “Urban Farms’ Rapid Response to COVID-19

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