The Difficulties of Being a Young Farmer in the New Climate Change Era


Young and beginning farmers in this day in age are grappling with ways to adapt to climate change under challenging circumstances. Weak finances and lack of governmental support to help them with this new climate change era, young farmers are fighting to survive in the agricultural industry. 

Economically, young farmers are in a sensitive position. Two-thirds of young, beginner farmers were found to have less than $10,000 in revenue and are facing serious financial constraints with paying off their student debt. These financial hardships are no help when these farmers are experiencing rising land prices, and unpredictable climate patterns. 

New patterns in inconstant weather conditions have been at the forefront of many farmer’s worries. In the past year there has been the smallest harvest in decades due to unstable weather conditions including intense storms, irregular rainfall, and frost. The only way to curtail the ever present issue of climate change and it’s devastating effects on farmers is through governmental action. 

Culturally, our society is divided on beliefs on the legitimacy of climate change. The combination of powerful corporations and climate change disbelievers are ceasing any governmental action. The big question is: How can we gain momentum for governmental support? I think we need to demonstrate urgency for political action by contacting our representatives, supporting climate change charities  (Clean Air Task Force or Sandbag are great options), and participating in climate change activist groups. 

What this article fails to realize is that a majority of existing farmers in the US are 57.5 years old (US 2017 Census of Agriculture) and are aging out. It is deeply important to set our young farmers for success so they continue the agricultural industry for future generations. If we continue placing financial and environmental burdens on young farmers the future implications for future food supply will be costly. 


(Original Article) Douglas, Leah. “Climate Change Is Making It Harder to Be a Young Farmer.” Grist, Grist, 1 Feb. 2020,

(Image) Parker, Michael, and Holly Rippon-Butler. “U.S. Department of Agriculture.” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Land Access Team, National Young Farmers Coalition, 18 Sept. 2019,


2 thoughts on “The Difficulties of Being a Young Farmer in the New Climate Change Era

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