The human being is an unimaginably interconnected creature

 Through this class, we are exercising contemplative practice each session only for a couple of minutes, where we reflect all of our senses comprehensively on our soul, body, and environment, that how we are connected with the world, what is our impact on the world and what is our connection with our environment? I am sure these exercises have different meanings for different people. However, this short exercise gives me the sense that humans are deeply connected and depending on one another regardless of our race, religion, or geographical location, and the same is true with our environment.

Our dependence on one another globally starting from the very basic livelihood, like the food we eat, and the clothes we wear. When we go grocery shopping, we can see the food we consume is coming from all over the world especially from our neighbor country Mexico,

Which we observed on assigned videos that from the farm to the market our food is taking a lot of time, effort, and labor, which shows our dependencies and interconnectivity to others regardless of how rich or poor we are. It shouldn’t be untold, that those farmers and chain of supply workers are depending on us too, we can say, it is the two-way street. The same is true in our clothes and shoes, that either it is importing from China or other parts of the world.

But our dependence on the environment is far beyond imaginations, since we are getting our environmental livelihood cheap or free, we never focus on their vitality of it in our life. For instance; the air we are breathing is the most important element, which with the absence of the air our lives will end immediately,

likewise, water. two very important elements of life (air and water) is not the only element that directly we need to consume in our open body for surviving, but it is the only source that indirectly affects our life too. Since the life of human beings is only possible by eating to maintain our body, our food is coming from the land directly or indirectly, our vegetables are coming directly, meat and other animal products are coming indirectly that we consume. This means the land, plants, water, and air are all the component of our life, that besides we dependent on one another, we are unavoidably depending on these elements, and we should make the best policies to protect and keep it clean to the best possible way, even if some of our leader like Donald Trump discarded. When I first joint this class I was confused that how food is connected to politics but now I can see that food has a very broad field and it is the most important part of politics.








3 thoughts on “The human being is an unimaginably interconnected creature

  1. Through this class, I’ve realized the vast impact of food on politics. Grocery shopping highlights how food from all over the world, including my location, particularly from neighboring Mexico, contributes to our interconnectedness. This underscores the importance of crafting effective policies to protect our environment, despite the opposition, as demonstrated by leaders like Donald Trump.

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