Climate change and the Individual: A response to Contemplating Climate Complexity

This is a response to Contemplating Climate Complexity by Aisling Wade.

I first want to say thank you for sharing what you have — I really enjoyed what you wrote and reflecting back on what it meant for me.

= Abstract Tide Wave Water Color by Jessica Torrant

When I first learned about climate change and the detrimental impacts that it will have on our global community, I was stunned. I was stunned because no one was doing anything, no one was helping, and no one seemed to care. Education has exposed me to timely topics, but it has also unveiled my complicity. When I learned that I may be a part of the problem, I felt like a tsunami washed over me, sweeping my body away from shore.

As you have said, we will never feel the true cost of the triple inequality like the people who have contributed the least to the problem. My house will not be lost to rising sea levels, eroding soil, or wildfires either. I am in a bubble that seems cut off from the rest of the world’s problems. Though I am numb to the abilities of our government, I know that my bubble is not impenetrable. Climate change will inevitability lead to ocean acidification which will hit Washington hard, crumbling our fisheries, dissolving shellfish, throwing off salmon spawns and rippling up the food chain to us. Essentially liquefying our food structures and economy.

Even in my attempt to save the world by driving electric, I was once again reminded that my carbon foot print was bigger than I thought when we learned about renewable energy production in class. Eating plant-based diets also reminded me that my single contributions to help curve climate change does not tilt the scale in any meaningful way. As you, I feel like I have tried to help, but how can we make meaningful change as just an individual?

12 thoughts on “Climate change and the Individual: A response to Contemplating Climate Complexity

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