Moving Forward

My action group this quarter was given the opportunity to work with Our Climate. Our Climate is a non-profit organization that is working with young people to help put together a Green New Deal. This opportunity combined three things that I am incredibly passionate about: the climate, politics, and food. My group was able to integrate what we learned in this class into our work with Our Climate. The reality is that we cannot address climate change without making changes to our food system which will require political action. We were able to bring up our food system in our discussions with fellow interns and make sure that it will be included in the Green New Deal.

I often find myself focused on the personal changes that I make in my day to day life in order to do what I can to help reverse climate change. I recently convinced my family to try out a vegan diet after learning about the staggering effect that animal agriculture has on the environment. My sister and I have been sharing our cooking projects on an Instagram that we made together in the hope of spurring others into giving veganism a try.

Infographic from Cowspiracy

However, in working with Our Climate it was amazing to see what a vast community of people there is fighting for systemic change. My personal actions do make some leeway to combat climate change, but I was able to make a much more significant difference by advocating for policy change. Personal changes are the first step, but systemic and political change is necessary for large scale change. 

Working with Our Climate and taking this class helped shift my perspective towards understanding systems theory and looking beyond my personal actions and experiences. I do what I can in my own life to alter the course of global warming, but I’m also continuing to push for change at a systemic level. Moving forward, this class has shown me how interconnected our world is and has given me the tools that I need to enact change. 

Soil Conservation in Brazil & The World Food System Beyond

Blue and Yellow Globe

Brazil is one of the largest agricultural exporters in the world. In my research group, we found that land rights and soil conservation are key issues within the context of Brazil’s agricultural production. If the trend in poor land management of degraded pasturelands and encroachment into the Amazon region continues, it appears soil erosion—and nutrient loss along with it—could increase by up to 20%, according to this study’s findings.

Trade, Self Sufficiency

In chapter 3, “Agricultural Trade Liberalization,” of Jennifer Clapp’s book Food, it’s clear that international trade in the food system is a marketplace rife with inequalities and contradictions, often at the expense of people lower on the socioeconomic ladder, and especially those in developing countries whose main trade output is agriculture. However, even for an industrial nation such as Japan, boasting one of the highest GDPs in the world, the nation’s reliance on food imports point to the fact that money alone cannot buy independence.

In a 2012 article from the United Nations University publication Our World, Japan’s low food self-sufficiency (60% of their calories are from imports) was discussed and ramifications contextualized. It’s notable that the goal to increase the self-sufficiency to 45% by 2020 have since been pushed back to 2025. What it means for food to be “Japanese” has changed over the decades alongside changing consumer preferences and decreasing domestic output. This is an issue the world over, as the Columbian exchange of the 21st century has seen hamburgers and big gulps from the U.S. in Mexico City, to Bangalore, to Riyadh, to Tokyo and beyond.

People Standing Near Restaurant chain

Once native to the United States, the seeds of McDonalds have now been sown across the globe thanks to the 21st century ship called globalization


In Brazil, food self-sufficiency, ecological damage, Indigenous rights, resource management, and economic concerns all come into consideration when we talk about food and agriculture. Perhaps, as has been suggested in the UK, farmers can be part of the solution. Something will have to change if Brazil is to remain ecologically viable for agriculture in the decades to come.


Person Digging on Soil Using Garden Shovel

Soils are both the lungs and the womb of our earth. They are responsible for the sustenance that comes out of them and our mistakes (C02) that go in


The Big Picture

In considering the food on our plates, Michael Pollan makes it sound simple. “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.” While I don’t disagree with his prescription, the fact of the matter is that the food in the grocery store, and in markets around the globe, are products of, and tools in, the political ecology of the world food system. A system which is itself comprised of ecologies and systems.

The world has increasingly become a web of interconnectedness. Understanding it requires the ability to constantly look at micro and macro structures thereof. Our world food system is no different.




Fair Trade & Free Trade, Praxis & Protest

The Community Alliance for Global Justice (CAGJ) is a fitting organization to pair with our course because they do an amalgamation of work, spanning all sorts of different topics and issues with the central goal of spreading sustainability, democracy, fair agricultural practice, and social justice. They don’t do one thing, the same way this class isn’t about one subject. It’s more about a set of values and goals that guide you from topic to topic, issue to issue.

(CAGJ Facebook Page)

Our fundraising work and Fair Trade project did little to further my understanding of systems thinking. I’m coming away from the project with a vastly deeper understanding of the Fair Trade model and its benefits but I don’t feel like the work helped me to better understand the way world trade works all that much. I don’t mean this in a bad way though because it was work. Moreover, it was a service. It was unpaid and somewhat thankless intern work, not done for our own personal growth but for a greater cause. Cold-calling local businesses weakened by the global pandemic and asking for small donations for a fundraising event that they may not even be able to attend did little to further my formal education, but it taught me a valuable lesson about how the topics of our class can look in the real world, not to mention during a crisis. Nonprofit work isn’t always glamorous and that’s a valuable lesson when seeking a degree in the social sciences.

Front page of the Seattle Times from December 1, 1999. (Mark Harrison / The Seattle Times)

The obvious parallel between our project and course material is the Fair Trade research we did for CAGJ’s website. Our research was mostly surface-level, just getting a solid overview of the Fair Trade model and listing different products and brands, however our knowledge of the deeply rooted problems of the free trade model came in handy. “The Real Reasons for Hunger” by Vandana Shiva and “Agricultural Trade Liberalization” by Jennifer Clapp helped me understand the need for such a model brought on by the unjust trade policies by the WTO. Early in the quarter, not knowing what would take place a month later, our CAGJ supervisors had us watch a documentary about Seattle’s 1999 WTO protests, which, after telling us how bad Seattle police are at handling demonstrations, showed how effective protest can be. The 1999 protests prevented the WTO from holding negotiations and forced the world to examine the costs of globalization. Now shockingly similar photos have come out of the last two weeks, and already major police reforms have been promised.

Downtown Seattle, May 30, 2020 (Matt M. McKnight/Crosscut)

So much of our class was focused on the macro – the big picture of the global food system and the endless moving parts that make it tick. Our project focused on the micro. One Seattle nonprofit with a staff small enough you could count them on your hands, doing what they can to stay afloat while educating their community on a better way to exchange goods. You can’t solve a problem without understanding the system it’s a part of, and you can’t understand the system without getting to know the individual actors working within it.

A Reflection of Food Politics and Working with Landesa

For the Group Project, my group of five worked with the NGO Landesa which strives to work with farmers in poor countries to help them know and hold their land rights. What we were tasked with doing is creating infographics to put onto Landesa’s social media to better inform people, especially young adults, of what they do. This was a very interesting experience for me because what my group got to works on is heavily tied to what we have discussed in our class throughout the year especially regarding systems thinking.

How Landesa tries to make a difference in the world directly ties with concepts brought up specifically in two of our classes. The first is that of food sovereignty and more specifically land sovereignty, which Marc Edleman discusses in his essay. He mentions that access to land rights helps provide even distribution of land and provide greater access to resources (923). Landesa is working directly with communities to better raise them up from the bottom because it will help them create their own economic opportunities for themselves. The next concept the ties Landesa directly to our class is their fight for land rights specifically for women. Julia Whitling mentions in her article, “When women are provided with the same inputs, assets, and technical assistance as men, their yields could increase by as much as 20-30 percent, which translates to a reduction in the number of undernourished people in the world by 12-17 percent” (2019). This shows the importance of Landesa’s work in because it can make such a big impact in poor and unequal communities.

It truly was a pleasure to work with Landesa especially because we got to see the approach that they took. In my contribution to Landesa’s social media I focus on their belief in better education as a solution to addressing land rights issues. This goes directly along with systems thinking because better education often means better understanding of land rights which that will lead to greater economic growth of the communities. It was great to learn just how much Landesa’s work described what us as a class often hoped for to bring change to poor communities without access to food.


One of my infographics



Marc Edelman et al. “Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Food Sovereignty.”  Journal of Peasant Studies: Global Agrarian Transformations 41, 6, 2014, pp. 911–931.

Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Hungry for Equality: Examining the Gender Gap in Food  Security

Photo credit:

Slow Food Washington

The action group I was a part of worked with Slow Food Washington to help gather resources to inform the SF community about Washington House Bill 2777 (SHB 2777), also known as the “Tamale Bill.” Slow Food is an international organization that promotes its three pillars of “Good, Clean, and Fair Food for All” through community engagements. The legislature created by another non-profit Ventures Marketplace permits home cooks to legally sell food without a commercial kitchen which directly aligns with Slow Food’s mission for fairness as it supports local businesses. Our role was to create a digital toolkit to engage the SF Washington community about SHB 2777.

The first page of our rough draft of the digital toolkit

Highlighting the importance of relationships with community members and other organizations in order to enact collective change, the project provided me a window into how a fairly large organization operates and the importance of communication. I learned tangible ways to get involved such as donating, volunteering time, or working with people in the community to create positive change.

Slow Food started as a wide-scale movement against the globalization of Western fast food and now as an organization, its mission is to support marginalized communities in taking active roles in the food system. My involvement in this project shaped my understanding of the importance of food sovereignty in local communities. Monica White, the author of Freedom Farmers, also shares a similar sentiment about the importance of food sovereignty through community-led organizations. White illustrates the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network’s successes in creating food security and economic autonomy through community farming. (White, 127)

All SF chapters are volunteer-driven communities working on different campaigns and initiatives important respective to their own needs in regards to food.

COVID-19 has disrupted the global economy and the food system, exposing weak links such as working conditions, overproduction, and trade deals leading. In a broader lens, allowing community members to start their own business out of their kitchen is one of the many ways communities can build toward food sovereignty. SHB 2777 and other campaigns like it proves that within a living system comes evolution and adaptation to challenging circumstances. This state legislature is one of many examples of how people’s direct relationship to food creates a personal, deeper understanding of the entirety of the world’s food system.

Also, just a few of the many resources out there to get involved in regards to the abolishment of the police:


Work Cited:

White, M.M (2018). Drawing on the Past toward a Food Sovereign Future. Freedom Farmers: Agricultural Resistance and the Black Freedom Movement (pp. 117-140) Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press.


The Importance of Standing Together Against Injustice Anywhere

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” those are the now iconic words from the deeply moving letter from Birmingham jail written by MLK Jr. in 1963.

While those words are powerful by themselves, just as powerful is the sentence which follows it: “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” While MLK Jr. was specifically talking about racism in America and the necessity of all people to stand up for injustice wherever they see it, I think that the idea presented resonates at a much deeper level. As we have learned through systems thinking throughout this quarter, we are all connected in many more ways than we think.

We are connected to the cacao farmers in West Africa who grow the beans that become our chocolate but who can’t afford the finished product,

We are connected to the meat packers in the Midwest who are dying of Covid-19 because of a lack of adequate protection,

We are connected to the communities who can’t drink their water because they live downstream from under-regulated dairy CAFO’s in our very own Washington state.

Global food system, Criminal Justice System, Contaminated Water Systems, all just different names for the same oppressive system fueled by the colonial legacy of institutionalized racism. We may have abolished slavery 155 years ago, but most of our food is still picked, packed, and shipped by black and brown hands. We are all part of a system which consumes marginalized bodies, and which leaves those who benefit from it confused, guilty, and angry; A system which has injustice as its very core.

So, what can we do? How we can possibly break out from these systems that entwine, confine, but hopefully won’t continue to define us.

Through my group project with the Center for Food Safety working on building a social media campaign to demand the stronger regulation of dairy CAFO’s within Washington communities, I got a glimpse of the power of the collective. Individually, none of us had the skills or the energy to create a platform on which this issue could be addressed, yet together through the synergy of our skills and knowledge we were able to create a comprehensive platform that included social media pages, petitions, lobby tool kits, and letters to the editor.

Society so often tries to divide us, because a people divided are easier to suppress, but when we awaken to the injustices which surround us and come together in the form of collective action we can challenge the very fabric of society. In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” In these unprecedented times it is crucial we come together and use our collective leverage to make a difference because if we don’t, who will?


The End ENVIR 385

My group had the opportunity to work with Landesa, a non-profit organization where their focus is to promote, empower, and secure land rights for millions of the world’s poorest in order to provide opportunity and social justice. Because Landesa works on a more broader range, my group wanted to focus our action project specifically on women’s land rights and food security and connect them with pandemics like the one we are currently in, COVID-19. In order to spread awareness with our topic and research we took on the social media approach.

We learned through our research that women in the areas we looked into make up the majority of the agricultural workforce, and because of the gender disparity that is demonstrated in these areas, and with the current system, women are left in a vulnerable state when pandemics strike their communities. Case studies that have been done in developing countries have shown that with support, women can have great economic and ecological impacts which helps build resilience in their communities.

Through our course we talked about the systems theory. This explains that we are all part of a system(s), and if one part of the system undergo a change then the other parts of that system will be affected. Landesa is performing under this idea, and that their organization is in hope trying to create change in society and rid of the unsustainable systems that are around us.

This theory is demonstrated greatly under our food system. Structural racism lives in this system, while many others as well. However, since our group focused of food security I believe it is necessary to focus on the food system as well. POC often receive low wages in the food industry, and because of this they are forced to face many disadvantages such as hunger. Part of this problem is that there is great disparity between consumers and the food chain since many do not truly know what the process is in order to get the food they are receiving. After this course, I grew to understand more about the food system and the corrupt attributes that take place. Through our action project and tying that with the systems theory, it is crucial that there needs to be more awareness especially with the BLM movement that is currently happening, and for everybody to keep protesting and doing what they can in order to affect our system in the ways that will reach an outcome where we see change for a better future for the POC.

ENVIR 385 Reflection

For my project, we worked with Landesa and linked their goals to the relevant UN Sustainable Development goals and then created infographics based on those.


We created a survey to figure out what peoples preferred ways of learning on social media were. We could saw exactly what our targeted audience wanted to see in educational social media posts.


Knowing that these infographics I made would be seen by an audience for advocacy and educational purposes was really meaningful to me.

This made me evaluate how important knowledge and education is. We made the infographics because there are people who may not know the information we do. Education is one of the only ways for people to gain more insight on a topic. By creating the infographics I was facilitating the viewers learning. This gave me a great sense of accomplishment when I completed my infographics.

This knowledge can be applied to what’s happening in our lives right now. The Black Lives Matter movement has been going on for years. The murder of George Floyd has sparked decades of built up oppression, inequality, and unjust treatment of people of color to be brought to light through protests. The protests have been larger and on a wider scale than we have seen before. I believe that by completing the Landesa project, it caused me to have a different understanding on the importance of advocacy during this time. Landesa asked us to create social media posts for a reason; social media is one of the most powerful tools we have in modern day. Doing this project caused me to be more vocal during this time. It made me understand that by posting on social media

According to

I actually can engage people. If I post informational pictures, stories, and statistics it can promote education and conversation, which is the first step that people need to collectively get together and fight a truly devastating problem that people in this country shouldn’t be facing. It may not feel like you will make much difference by posting, but that’s the benefit of social media, your post could reach anyone, and that one post could be what causes a change.


I wanted to connect my learning this quarter to what is currently going on in our society as this has been my primary focus over the past few weeks.













What does it mean to change the system?

I’ve spent the last 10 days and nights at protests across Seattle on police brutality in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. But the demands of protesters go well beyond policing and criminal justice and stretch into areas of education, jobs, and voting rights.

Demonstrators are constantly speaking in ways similar to how we talk in this class.

“This isn’t about one thing, it’s about changing the entire system,” is a common theme I’ve heard from protesters I’ve talked to in my role as a reporter.

And this idea made me think about how this class is structured not about food in a vacuum, but instead of food as a system that is part of an even larger system. You can change one part of the system, but the change won’t truly be visible and rightful until the system is entirely overhauled.

For example, on the protest side, people are calling for Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan to resign, but demonstrators note they will only replace her with someone similar and nothing will change for Black people in this city. This is not systemic change.

Mapping of the food and agriculture system showing its complexity. (Source:

And on the food side, one person can stop eating meat or consume more responsibly, but that won’t make a lasting dent in emissions from cattle. This is not systemic change.

Outlawing chokeholds and cutting police funding in half won’t make so much meaningful change for the Black community in changing outcomes. What is needed is economic assistance, educational opportunities, and justice for 400 years of wrongdoing that would start to make up for this country’s wrongs.

And similarly going vegetarian won’t get us substantively closer to a sustainable food system. What is needed is accountability, strict regulation of consumers, and likely a wholesale change in how people around the world consume food to get to the point where our antiquated structures are no longer harming our world.

The point is that true change isn’t as easy as one might think and that’s why it takes so damn long.

How to change the system

The core intellectual concept of this course, systems thinking, was ultimately for me the most valuable aspect of the curriculum. However, thinking systemically in the context of the world this quarter also made me feel relatively powerless as an individual. Systemic issues have been at the forefront of global discourse over the past several months. The coronavirus pandemic has rattled human society revealing our vulnerability within Earth’s ecosystem and reminding humanity that however much we resist this reality: we live under nature’s laws

Those of us who live in the United States have been reminded how badly our healthcare system is broken and inadequate at handling crises. Similarly, our globalized and industrialized food system has revealed its clumsiness and vulnerability to disturbance as the pandemic has challenged supply chains and means of production leading to vast amounts of food waste and threats of hunger around the globe

Source: Rebecca Conway for The New York Times — daily wage works stand in line for meals in New Delhi where for many with little social safety net “hunger is a more immediate threat than the virus”

In these past two weeks, incited by the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, people all over the world are rising up against the systemic racism ingrained in our political and social institutions. Many of us (especially those with privilege) are learning just how blind we have been to systemic injustice and just how inadequate our individual intentions are at making change. 

In many ways I felt my individual actions this quarter to be futile. Working with Community Alliance for Global Justice to acquire auction items for their upcoming fundraising dinner required my group members and I to reach out to over one hundred local small businesses. Most never responded to our requests (surly overwhelmed with the weight of owning a small business during these times), other folks responded with apologetic nos saying they simply were not in a place to donate, others were angry that we were asking for contributions given the context of the world. Working with CAGJ was a swimming-upstream type of fight and in the end I am not sure we moved an inch. 

However, after a quarter of feeling powerless as an individual amidst human systems so massive, convoluted and ignorant of nature’s reality that it almost seemed hopeless to take individual action, these past couple weeks have given me new hope. Taking to the streets with thousands of other individuals I am suddenly immersed in collective individual action unlike I have ever experienced before. And it feels like we may be on the precipice of actually forcing systemic change if we individuals keep on the collective pressure. Collectively we are opting out of leading our daily lives and choosing to sustain civil disobedience such that those in power are forced to listen

My own photo from a recent protest at Cal Anderson park in Seattle

I have often thought that we could alter our unjust and environmentally destructive food system if only everyone could come together and collectively opt out of consuming destructively and unjustly produced products. It surely is not that simple, but at the very least I have learned from this moment that we can feel less powerless as individuals if we band together in collective action. I hope dearly that we can maintain this fight for racial justice and in doing so create long-sustained collective action which can be continued into a fight for a more just and sustainable world generally. 

-Aisling Doyle Wade