Can Earth Provide for Growing Consumption Rates?

A recent study by the University of Gottingen forecasts that global food consumption could rise by 80% by 2100. They suggest that 60% would be from population growth and 20% from the increased quantity of food required by larger (in terms of BMI and height) humans.

Yes, this does sound quite alarming…however, the statistic is based on the assumption that the world will continue until 2100 without changing its ways at all. I find this highly improbable given that the human behavior constantly evolves and adapts. There are already many working to combat issues of food insecurity, food waste, and malnutrition. 

Currently, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization reports that every year, around 30% of food produced in the world is lost or wasted. How many additional people could we feed on this wasted food alone? Also, there are many movements advocating for reduced animal product consumption. Bloomberg reports that around 41% of US land is used for livestock production. Take a look at these maps; imagine if there was an initiative to shift the subsidization of animals, corn, soy, and wheat to whole grains, produce, and legumes. This alone could sustain our population for longer and promote healthier diets.

The US is unique in its high demand for animal products. What would the future of feeding a larger population look like if human health was promoted by governments through proper subsidies, and if sustainable farming and waste management was a major priority for state legislatures and governments worldwide? Would this prediction of future consumption be as extreme?

I don’t have all the answers, but I know that we all must fight for a more sustainable future that prioritizes systematic changes.

Consider finding out how you can get involved in local initiatives. Big changes begin with little steps. 


