Women’s Land Rights and the Pandemic

For our action project, we worked with Landesa. We focused our efforts on connecting the current pandemic to the role of women’s land rights and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. We concentrated on this region, as it has faced the epidemics of HIV/AIDS and Ebola, and has had to overcome these crises while dealing with the ongoing natural problems that are endemic to the climate and region (drought and political instability). Additionally, the region has long-suffered from exploitation and pressures of global imbalances of power. What has become evident, is that developed countries are able to leverage local resources, which are developed and cultivated by African nations to advance their own stability and serve as a source of resilience. Against this backdrop, the region will continue to evolve as “an arena of geopolitical and resource competition…” and this can be problematic, as Africa may be disenfranchised from ‘solutions’ that are developed within the region. This is where the role of women’s land rights becomes a driver of law and policy reform and economic self-reliance and community leadership. Allowing women to have direct and impactful roles in the food system will foster a resistive and durable base that the communities of Africa can count on for stability and lean on in times of crises.

An infographic created for our Landesa Project (Graphic by Ashley Wright)

What I have recognized in Landesa is that many of the defining attributes and workings of systems theory are functioning through this organization and the work it is doing to make an impact on society. We were able to connect seemingly individual and distinct topics into an aggregate context relevant to human systems and, by extension, the ecosystem. (from lecture) What is common across developed, developing, emerging, and underdeveloped economies is growth. This trend towards an improved standard of living does not emerge in isolation. In this case, women’s land rights connect to all of us, even if we benefit indirectly. Through a woman’s ability to own and control land in Africa, the role of my country (or another developed country) will shift as it benefits from concurrent growth. And this shift can impact my community whether it is through the flow of money or access to food as a whole. We all benefit from socio-political stability, as instability can result in a misallocation of resources. Currently the IMF projects negative growth for the region through this year, but forecasts a return to positive growth through 2021.

Holism & Combating White Supremacy

Political ecology asks us to recognize the ways in which politics and the philosophies informing our politics, informs our understanding of environmentalism. It engages us to reflect on the evolution of our politics, and in that, we are explicitly coming face to face with white supremacy. Commonly these white supremacy ideologies surface in the pattern of individualism. I argue this to be a counterpart to reductionism (or atomism), which is a popular approach taken to identifying and solving the issues expressed throughout our environment and related fields such as our food system (ex. inverted quarantine). This approach is informed by western philosophies and sciences. It assumes that we may break down complex systems and their issues into smaller parts, tackling them one by one, as a solution. This is based in speculating that a system is no more than the interaction of these parts, and fails to considering the role they play in a system’s whole (which includes both their inputs and outputs). Holism is a shift away from this approach. This philosophy asks us to recognize that the sum of a whole system can not be reduced down to individual parts because they are constantly in relation to one another.

For this course, my group’s action project worked with the NGO Landesa to help develop social media material that would increase the awareness of women’s land rights. To do this in the most efficient manner, we decided to connect this topic to COVID19 by exploring the ways women’s land rights may help to combat the effects of pandemic diseases in underdeveloped communities. Through this research we found that in increasing women’s access to land, a community can find greater success in building resiliency to health crises via various avenues. This project was a first hand experience in discovering the interdependence of what may seem to be an ‘individual’ piece of the puzzle. This discovery uncovered that inhibiting a woman’s access to own land is not only a disservice to her own prosperity, but a disservice to the community as a whole. This is a framework that can be reflected in our own developed country when we consider how racism, sexism, classism, ableism, etc. is expressed within our society. Excluding groups of people not only limits abilities to fulfill their own capacity, but limits the fulfilment of our society as a whole.

Considering our current time, as communities come together to rise up and work towards dismantling white supremacy – it is our duty to recognize all of the ways our white supremacist society informs our decision making and daily actions. Taking the time and effort to adopt a holistic world view not only opens us to the realization that the liberation of black americans (and other marginalized groups) is the liberation for us all, but it is also an action we can take to unlearn deeply ingrained white supremacist ideologies and values.