Q Center

How YOU can help:

Donate to the Q Center through Campaign UW
This link will take you to the UW Foundation’s website. From there, you can mark your financial gift to specifically fund the Q Center. All donations made online are encrypted and secure. If you have any questions about contributing, please contact us at qcenter@uw.edu

Donate to the David Kopay Endowment through Campaign UW
This link takes you to the UW Foundation’s website. From there, you can mark your financial gift to specifically fund the David Kopay Endowment to create a needs-based scholarship with preference given to those who are actively involved in orgranization, programs or studies supporting the qlgbt communities.

Donate to the David Kopay Fund through Campaign UW
This link takes you to the UW Foundation’s website. From there, you can mark your financial gift to specifically fund David Kopay Fund to support educational expenses of undergraduate students with need who have demonstrated a commitment to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender(GLBT) community as determined by Student Financial Aid and the Q Center.

Donate Books to the Lending Library
Students, staff, and faculty use the Q Center’s Lending Library to find books on lgbtq topics and characters in a safe space. We always welcome donations to the Lending Library of all types of media and all genres and formats – fiction and nonfiction. If you are interesting in donating to the Lending Library, please contact us at qcenter@uw.edu

We’re always looking for help on various projects and programs – if you’re interested in volunteering with the Q Center, please visit our Q Center Employment & Volunteer Opportunities page or contact us at qcenter@uw.edu

Apply for Employment
The Q Center hires student staff positions in Spring and Summer quarters – a diverse range of positions are sought, including web/publishing design, community outreach, and programming. For more information, visit our Q Center Employment & Volunteer Opportunities page or contact us at qcenter@uw.edu