Residential Life Recruitment

Perks & Recreation

Residential Life is committed to supporting students in creating connections, discovering their purpose and responsible citizenship development.  Alongside the traditional aspects of Residential Life operations that support these goals, our unit is proud to offer residents four robust maker and recreational spaces we refer to as our Perks & Recreation program: Area 01, Fitness Center West, McMahon 8 and the McCarty Innovation & Learning Lab.  While we have five full-time staff positions dedicated to the operations of Perks & Recreation, each member of our unit has opportunities to support the program.  Student Leaders may also utilize Perks & Recreation to rent equipment/host programming within a maker or recreational space.

HFS residents utilizing billiards tables within Area 01, a space operated by the Perks & Recreation team.

To learn more about the Perks & Recreation program’s unique spaces and programmatic offerings, please visit their website: