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Quotes from Student Leaders

The Student Leader positions at the UW provide valuable experiences that can be utilized in developing transferrable skills during your college career. Read below to find quotes from current and former Student Leaders about the position and for some, how they use their experience to shape the work they are currently doing.

For me, the most valuable aspect of the SL role is getting to interact with residents and build relationships within our community. This position provides opportunities to support residents in a really unique capacity, and it’s really special to see them learning more about themselves and discovering more about their academic interests!

Malia McClanahan | Resident Adviser

My favorite part of the student leader role is helping residents make social connections with us as well as other residents. I personally met my closest friends through RPB events. 

Residential Programming Board Member

This role has allowed me to grow personally and professionally, especially with understanding my leadership style and how I communicate/interact with a diverse group of people. I’m grateful for the interpersonal and project management skills the RA role has taught me because it really encompasses a lot of leadership and soft skills that are useful for the future, in one job. 

Arielle Fernandez | Resident Adviser

I have learned how to work a part time job while balancing school work and social obligations. I have learned how to plan out a program from start to finish including marketing, administrative, ordering supplies and focusing on program execution. 

Aarti Kumar | Residence Education Programmer

For me, the most valuable part of the RA role has been meeting new people and listening to the stories of residents. It has allowed me to be even more empathetic and learn new skills that I wouldn’t learn otherwise being an RA is a very unique leadership position. 

Vince Xiao | Resident Adviser

I’ve grown in my ability to communicate effectively as a leader, as a peer, and with supervisors. I have also gained valuable experience with time management and setting boundaries. All these skills are incredibly important now and for the future.

Resident Adviser

As an engineering theme RA, I have enjoyed the opportunity to integrate my floor’s Residential Life experience with the already available academic/career resources available on campus. In addition to this, the Theme Community offers additional networking and career-development events, exposure to further enhance dedicated students’ college experience while also providing a living environment for students of similar academic and many times social interests.

Sean O’Dell | Former Engineering LLC Resident Adviser

Whether it was the development of my interpersonal skills communicating with diverse personalities, managing the many obligations, and working with a team constantly, I recognize that I am a better law student, future-attorney, and professional in general because of my experiences as an RA.

Derrick De Vera | Former Resident Adviser