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Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory



Prof. Moskal’s Courses

Remote Sensing Courses @ UW

  • SEFS Remote Sensing Sequence
    • Spring ESRM190 Digital Earth – Dr. Moskal 
    • Autumn ESRM430 Remote Sensing of Environment – Dr. Moskal
    • Winter SEFS521/CEE498 Advanced Remote Sensing – Dr. Butman
    • Spring ESRM433/SEFS533 LiDAR Remote Sensing – Dr. Moskal

Other Courses

Since much of your research will involve statistical analysis here are some recommendations:

  • For students with little prior statistical background: STAT 390 
  • For MS students: 2 statistics courses, either QSCI483 or STAT504 and either FISH560 or SEFS502
  • For PhD students: 4 statistics courses consisting of FISH 559, either QSCI 483 or STAT 504, STAT 421, either FISH 560 or SEFS 502, and ESS 590.
  • For students wanting to emphasize statistics: add these CS&SS560, STAT509, STAT544
  • For student interested in precision forestry: add ESRM 461 and SEFS540

RSGAL students are encouraged to take scientific writing courses and GIS courses at UW.


Please consider the many workshops offered by the Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology, particularly their GIS series, spatial data analysis and R.

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