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Learning Experiences



Required Rotations

  • Orientation/Training
  • Inpatient Chronic Pain
  • Inpatient Acute Pain (UWMC-ML)
  • Inpatient Acute Pain (HMC)
  • Chronic Pain Clinic
  • Home-basd Hospice
  • Inpatient Palliative Care
  • Addiction Medicine
  • Project Month

Required Longitudinal Experiences

  • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Pain Clinic (once weekly in the morning)
  • Drug Distribution (outpatient or inpatient)
  • Naloxone use event evaluation

Elective Rotations

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Inpatient Burns/Pediatrics
  • Inpatient Psychiatry
  • Advanced Inpatient Chronic Pain
  • Advanced Inpatient Acute Pain (HMC or UWMC-ML)
  • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Pain Clinic
  • Medication Safety

Sample Schedule

Month Rotation
July    Orientation
August    Inpatient Chronic Pain Service (UWMC-ML)
September    Inpatient Acute Pain (UWMC-ML)
October    Elective: Inpatient Burns/Pediatrics (HMC)
November    Chronic Pain Clinic (UWMC-ML)
December    Project Month
January    Inpatient Acute Pain (HMC)
February    Home-Based Hospice
March    Addiction Medicine
April    Inpatient Palliative Care
May    TBD (based on resident interest and post-residency career selection)
June    TBD (based on resident interest and post-residency career selection)

Can I change my rotations over the course of the year? 

Yes, our program is very flexible with rotation changes especially when trying to accommodate the residents’ learning experience and interests as the year progresses.



The resident will staff in the outpatient / discharge pharmacy at UWMC-ML campus. The resident will staff 32 hours each month. A typical staffing schedule would consistent of one evening shift a week (4 hours) + one weekend, Saturday and Sunday, a month (16 hours). However, we are flexible with weekend staffing such that residents can choose to work two Saturdays in a month rather than one weekend.



Residents have contributed to a variety of quality improvement projects which have been implemented within the UW system. Projects examples exclude evaluation of outpatient opioid requirements for non-surgical burn patients, evaluation of efficacy and safety of buprenorphine micro-dose cross titration protocol, evaluation of safety of BMT service PCAs in the setting of mucositis related pain, optimization of qutenza patch protocol and formulary review, etc.