You do not need to have any experience in kendo if you are interested in joining the club! We have a beginner trial period during the first two weeks of every quarter to give new beginners an opportunity to decide if they wish to commit. We will not ask you to pay for anything until after this trial period is finished. Learn more about club costs here. Anyone with prior kendo experience is welcome to join the club at any time during the quarter. It is assumed that you know all the basics of kendo and will fit into existing class groups. If you are feeling rusty, let us know and you can stay out of bogu until you are comfortable. Practice is 7:00pm – 9:00pm on Wednesdays and Fridays in IMA Gym B and IMA Studio 216 respectively.

Address for the University of Washington Intramural Activities Buildings (IMA):

3924 Montlake Blvd NE
Seattle, WA 98195


Our most up to date information on tournaments, awards, events and practices is located on our Instagram and Facebook pages! Check them out for the club’s latest activities!

We also send out emails regarding resources, tournament information, practice schedules, etc. Joining the mailing list is the best way of getting the latest news from us!