Wrist Shakes

Arms to sides, hands below center of gravity, as if shaking water off hands, relax, breath normally

Knee Lifts

Lift knee straight to front toward shoulder, alternate sides, exhale. Lift heels up in back, kick butt with heels, keep knees down, inhale.

Spinal Flex

Tuck chin to chest, flex the whole spine forward (don’t lean forward), cross arms in front, spread shoulder blades apart, exhale.

Look up at ceiling and down the wall in back of you (don’t lean back), spread arms to sides and back, press shoulder blades together, inhale.


In place with feet straight ahead, then forward and back, then side to side

Up and Over

Swing arms to front up over head (elbows straight but not stiff), palms front, knees and ankles extend, relax hands and wrists, inhale. Swing arms down and back behind (palms back), knees and ankles bend, exhale.


Heels & toes together, hands on knees, bend knees forward/back, side/side, circle.

Keep heels on floor, carefully stretch Achilles when bending knees.

Stretch hamstrings when straightening knees.

Keep back straight (extended), don ‘t round (flex) spine.

Spine more vertical when bending knees, more horizontal when straightening knees.

Exhale as knees bend, inhale as knees straighten.


Feet straight ahead, shoulders width apart

Rotate hips, shoulders and head left and right, look left and right as far as comfortably possible, don’t force the range of motion.

Front arm slaps opposite shoulder, back of back hand hits opposite butt cheek.

Inhale as you twist back, exhale as you return to the front.


In place with feet straight ahead, then both forward and back, then both side to side, count every other bounce.

Side Bend

Feet straight ahead, shoulders width apart, hands on hips, fingers & thumbs point forward.

Lean shoulders to one side, push hips to the other, touch ear toward shoulder, exhale, inhale as you come up.

Leg Stretches

Starting by turning to the side, then stretch the following:





other side

Arm Circles

Heels shoulder width apart, toes pointing 45 degrees to the outside

Arms to sides, make large circles in a forward, backward and side to side motion while keeping elbows straight and hands relaxed

Inhale and exhale every other circle

Jougeburi x20
Men-uchi x30
Sayu-men x20
Hayasuburi x30


  1. Step forward with left foot and raise shinai up high while inhaling a deep breath.
  2. Step back with left foot and go into sonkyo while exhaling.
  3. Stand up, take one step forward with left foot, and raise shinai up while inhaling.
  4. Step back with left foot and return to “kamae” (middle sword position) while exhaling.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4.
  6. Step forward with left foot while inhaling.
  7. Step back with left foot and go into sonkyo while exhaling.