As the Chancellor announced last week, planning is underway for to update the Snoqualmie/Tioga building complex. These redesigns will have significant, lasting impact on the infrastructure and services that support student success. For the Library, this is the single most important thing happening at the moment, and we would like to encourage you all to participate in this upcoming event:
![Flyer for space planning town hall event occurring Wed,, 12/5, 12:30-1:15, in William Philip Hall.](
The Library is excited by the possibility of re-envisioning spaces in SNO/TLB and looks forward to strengthening our relationships with the CEI, TLC, and VIBE/VMRC. We have long advocated for high quality facilities that meet the needs of our campus and reflect national best practices in the design of libraries and learning commons. This planning process has the potential to realize our aspirations for collocated services and resources.
From the Library standpoint, we hope faculty and students will participate in this planning process and share with planners:
- What do you value about the Library and its staff?
- What Library services, collections, and spaces are essential to you and your students?
- What can the Library do better to support teaching, learning, and research on our campus?
- How do you see us collaborating with the other units?
If you aren’t able attend, please provide feedback on the process. Also, here is a brief list of all upcoming campus events connected the SNO/TLB planning process:
- Wed., Dec. 5, 12:30-1:15pm, William Phillip Hall – A town hall meeting offered by campus space space planners on the overall plan of the buildings.
- Tues., Dec. 11, 9-10am, William Phillip Hall – Chancellor will be hosting another town hall meeting where the project may be discussed further.
- Wed., Jan. 9, location TBD – A design charrette for the Library and TLC where campus community will be asked to comment on potential designs proposed by architects.