Good luck on finals!

“I am almost always able to find a quiet study space which really helps me out because my home life is too hectic to be able to concentrate on my studies there. The library is really the only quiet place I can find on campus. Undergraduate student, 2016 Triennial Survey

Husky stuffed animal with crayons
(Photo courtesy of UW Tacoma Flickr)


The UW Tacoma Library wishes you good luck on your finals!

Remember, we’ve got some pretty awesome study space as you prepare:

  • Group study rooms that are technology rich spaces with large screens for displaying collaborative projects.
  • Desktop computers with dual screens in quiet zones, and mobile equipment to check out and use in tech-free spaces.
  • Quiet study space in a warm, safe, staffed environment.  

As always, you’ll have access to knowledgeable staff and student employees during all open hours. And we’ve got a new exhibit up in SNO about self-care and reducing stress. Feel free to browse and check out a book and take care of yourselves.

We are proud of your hard work! Be Boundless!

(And then take a nap after finals!)