Meet our Staff: Zoeanna Mayhook

Zoeanna Mayhook at the Seattle Space Needle
Photo courtesy of Zoe Mayhook
  1. What did you major in/are you majoring in at UWT?  I am currently an online student in the Masters of Library and Information Sciences program through UW Seattle. I also received a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in business administration through Gonzaga University.
  2. What’s your relationship to the UWT? In July 2018, I started working at the UW Tacoma Library as a Graduate Research Specialist. The position allows me to help students with research and reference questions at the Research Help Desk–located on the main floor of the Snoqualmie Building!
  3. What drew you to working in libraries?  My work in libraries dates back to high school. Due to an administrative mix-up, I was registered for a service learning credit in my high school library. I ended up loving the work, which at the time consisted of basic processing of new serials and books, as well as shelving. When I arrived at Gonzaga University in the fall of my freshman year, the first thing I did was go to Gonzaga’s Foley Center Library to apply for a job (I hadn’t even picked up my dorm keys yet!). I worked in reference and circulation for four years as an undergrad, and after graduation I was recruited to a staff position, at which point I also enrolled in the MBA program. Following my master’s graduation in 2015, I took a few years off to work as a legal investigator at a civil litigation firm, but I always knew that I wanted to return to libraries.
  4. What parts of your job are you most excited about?  I love working with students on their research projects! It’s fun hearing what people are studying, and I learn a lot in the process. I also enjoy the variety of tasks in my position and am grateful to be getting real-world experience that supplements the concepts learned in my library courses.
  5. Have you read anything good lately? I’m just finishing up The Library Book by Susan Orlean, which is about the the 1986 fire at the Los Angeles Public Library. I also like listening to audiobooks during my commute, and recently enjoyed Becoming by Michelle Obama, and Born a Crime by Trevor Noah–both are narrated by the author and are fascinating stories.
  6. Any advice for UWT students? I think it’s important to read through research assignments earlier rather than later to get an idea of what is expected. Even if you do not have time to sit down and dive into an assignment right away, simply doing some preliminary research and starting an outline will make projects a lot less scary. Also, beginning earlier will give you time to order books from the other UW and Summit libraries, or request unavailable articles through interlibrary loan. If you don’t know where to start your research, be sure to contact the Research Help Desk!